Help please!


I went through my first heart break today. The guy I like....REALLY LIKE.... Likes my best friend and asked her out today. He did it in front of me.... I'm really sad... Like as soon as I heard it, my heart felt like someone stabbed it..

What should I do? 

I mean... He likes the girl that's my best friend in the whole world. She doesn't know what to do. She likes him back, but she wonders if she should date now with all the school things going on. The worst thing is that she askes me for help. All I do is smile and say to follow her heart. My heart hurts whenever I say that......

Do you guys have any advice??

I'm so it okay to feel this way?

Please help me....



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I haven't really had a boyfriend or a crush so I don't know what to say to help you. But I think the best thing is for you to talk with your friend not like a way to pressure her, but for you to feel less suffocate.
There is surely a boy who will only look at you and maybe it hurts now but you will be fine ^^
Lozziboz #2
I have never had a boyfriend but in these situations I would probably tell your best friend to start with so it's out of your system then if your friend agrees to date him tell the guy you liked him so that he could politely reject you and then you could probably move on! Stay strong as long as he's happy shouldn't you be happy also they're maybe other boys you should take interest in :)
truthfully I haven't had my heart broken yet from what I can tell I have knowledge that it hurts....but I'm really proud of you~!Not many people can just do that for their bestfriends,some people would just lead their friends away while you didn't!So for that be proud!Also it's alright to be sad cause you shouldn't let your feelings bottle up it may lead to an out burst or the problem not being resolved.As for your friend's question on what she should do,well only she can answer that.
Just try to look at the bright side,your friend will be happy,He will be happy,both people you care for will be happy.
urmm,sorry if my advice isn't helpful cause again I haven't faced this type of thing.....and I know my words look easier said/typed than done....again sorry!Fighting kittybat133!!!!Feel better~!
jecrisdiego #4
i know its hurt but what you did its right. my advice for you is you should to be strong and also happy for your bestfriend because you see that she happy to be with honest its really hurt inside but you have no choice then to hurt your besfriend to. i am sorry for my english i am really not good in english i hope you understand my english. by the way i am sorry also for my advice because i really didn't not experience what you felt right now i am so sorry again.:(:(