Tagged by YuYuan

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: YuYuan



1. Your first reaction in the morning?


Ugh no, not again, 5 more minutes! >.<


(I’m really not a morning person and I hate getting up in the morning with every fiber of my being! My ideal world would have no mornings!! Only cozy nights where I can write fanfiction with my old friend, darkness kkk ^^)



2. What kind of habits do you have?


Only bad habits kkkk >.<


My life is one big procrastination process, I always always always wait until the last possible moment has passed, and then and only then do I start doing what I have to do Xp


And I’m kind of an all or nothing person, I either get desperately hooked or I don’t do it at all.



3. What's the coolest thing you ever found on street/or in your pockets after washing your pants?


I have the worst memory in the history of the human kind (okay maybe not, but it’s pretty bad), so uhm.. nope, nothing comes to mind >.<


Oh wait, can it be on the floor of a concert?

Then the coolest thing I've picked up is confetti at a B2ST concert (which I still have btw, to remember that wonderful feeling of going to a Kpop concert, it's seriously one of the best things in this world I think, it just makes me so happy :D I love the atmosphere, I love the music, I love the dancing, I love Kpop!!! kkk >.<)


And if we're taking about the coolest thing I've ever found in the trash, then at that same concert there were promotional posters that they just threw into the trash, so me and my friend sneaked to pick it up out of the trash and now it hangs on my toilet door and it's awesome :D



4. The nicest thing you ever done?


Hmmm.. I try to be a decent person but I don’t really go around doing nice things for strangers at the drop of a hat, I just try to be there for the people with whom I’m closest and show them I like them, and be polite to the rest Xp


I do like surprising my friends with a well thought out gift or somehow showing them that I listen to them and know them well, sometimes it turns out cool, sometimes it doesn't, that's life I guess haha ;)



5. Your most memorable dream?


Haha well, I dream a lot and most often I remember my dreams the next morning. After time has passed, I tend to remember my nightmares the best, but the good ones less. However, last May I had an AWEsome one, about todae incidentally, and I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, swooning like never before, walking on a cloud for the remainder of the day and even though it was smack in the middle of my exams I decided to make it into my second fanfiction *Oops!*. Little did I know that it would take foreeever to write it haha, but I hope that one day I will manage to finish it!! XD



6. Your most embarrasing moment?


Actually, I don’t get embarrassed that often.


I’m super clueless so I often say or do something really stupid without thinking, and on top of that I'm a total klutz! So if I were to get embarrassed every time something like that happened, my life would be very tiring. That's why I don't and instead laugh at myself with everyone around me XD


Once when I was in a bookstore, I bent down to look at a book in the bottom shelf and there was this awful ripping sound - the seam on the backside of my trousers had split in half, exposing my underwear, but I kind of just thought it was hilarious hahaha... I just tied my jacket around my waist so it would cover my behind and walked out of the store like nothing had happened, barely containing my laughter kkkkk >.<



7. Which is your most favorite memory and why?


I have sooo many awesome memories, since I think memories are what make life life. One shouldn’t spend one’s life only working and experiencing nothing, then life goes by too fast and nothing remains when you are older and look back. So go make precious memories people! kkk ^^


My most favorite Kpop related memory is when I went to a Big Bang concert. It was like a dream come true, no it WAS a dream that came true. I had the best time, my face hurt after smiling so much and after the concert I seriously felt like I was drunk or something, I was so high on Big Bang kkkk drunk on Kpop! *^^*


They were absolutely amazing, each and every one!!

My baby, Daesung, sang like an angel, hopping around and having fun, smiling his brightest, melting my heart into a puddle of goo. G-Dragon was as cool as can be, just blowing me away completely. TOP oh, there are no words, his awkwardness and shyness just kills me, way more than his coolness does, though that is of course out of this world awesome, but when he's himself he's just so wonderfully cute XD. Taeyang was seriously cute as a button! Well buttons aren't really that cute, so he was even cuter than a button kkk *^^* I just wanted to put him in my pocket and keep him for always kkk >.< And Seungri was absolutely HILARIOUS, I laughed sooo hard XD


And they had all improved so much in their English abilities, I was so impressed and proud of my boys!!


I could go on forever, but I think I'll stop here Xp



8. Most dissapointing food you ever had and where?


Every time I go to a really fancy restaurant!!


I don’t like fancy food, it tastes worse than normal food and comes in ridiculously small portions with weird drops of sauce (cuz god forbid that they would give you a whole milliliter of sauce, that would be crazy! Only for decorative purposes! *sigh*) and I don’t know, you can just taste the pretentiousness somehow.. anyway, yeah, I'm weird that way, I like my food cheap haha! :)




9. Something you desperatly want to do or try?


Move to Korea and date a cute Korean guy XD


And when I want something, I try my best to work towards it, sooo that’s what I’m working towards now kkkkk >.<




10. Why do you think I tagged you?


Mmm cuz it’s an opportunity to milk me for some personal information? kkkk XD


Hahaha no, I don’t know.. cuz we’re becoming awesome friends and this is a good opportunity to get to know each other better? ;) (same thing! kkk >.<)



I'm not going to tag anyone specific, since I don't really know that many people on AFF since I'm super shy and I'm not good at approaching people, but don't hesitate to approach me, I'm super friendly and always in the mood for talking about Kpop hihi *^^*



If you are reading this, then consider yourself tagged!




1. Who was the very first Kpop idol to catch your eye?

2. What are your top 5 Kpop bands?

3. What do you love most about them?

4. What is your absolute favourite part of your bias? 

5. Do you have Kpop posters, if yes, what was your first one and how did you get it?

6. If you got stuck on a desert island and could bring one Kpop idol with you, who would it be and why?

7. If you saw your bias on the street, would you approach him?

8. If you could break free from your Kpop obsession, would you?

9. What's your favourite Kpop song?

10. What's your favourite non-Kpop song?



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*laugh* I will probebly commenr on this tomorrow, as well as I will answer your questions than.
because phone and phone stupid X___X
so good night buttercup ♥
( I was in the mood for a diffrent cute nickname but somehow it didn't sounds as cute a sit sounded in my mind so imagine the sweetes and cutest buttercup you ever could dream of, than add 1000 x more cuteness and than you are almost close to my feelings toward this cup)

btw I like the word mug, I don't know why .____.'