Tagged by TOPcorn! & victoriousdragon

Rule 1. Post the rules.
Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to this post.
Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Question by victoriousdragon and My answer :


1. When was the last time you cried, and why? 
2 months ago, one of my family died. She called me and she said she miss me before she died. I think I'm not quite aware of that so I still have regret till now. 
2. If you could choose between seeing your favorite k-pop group performing in your country and showing them around town yourself, or getting to fly to Seoul and watch them there and they show you their town, which would you choose?
I like to travel so I will chose to go to their country and they will be my guide.
3. What's a compliment someone gave you recently?
Too many but overall compliment almost about my skin.
4. If you watch anime or korean dramas, what do you look for in a plot or characters that make you want to watch it?
Twisted plot that you can't guess the ending of the story so you need to watch every episode.
Example : Coffee House Korean Drama. 
5. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate?
White chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate ( I think I ate all kind of chocolate )
6. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did you break it?
Yeah I had the awful experience of broken bone. I broke it when I was 7 years old because I fell from the bike.
2 Months in the hospital and got twice surgery after that.
7. If you had the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, which instrument would you choose?
Classic Piano.
8. What are eight things you do every day?
- check my note
- write my note
- check my calender
- check my to do list
- check my work
- twitter
- instagram
- candycrush 
9. Favorite breakfast food?
Crossaint with Tuna salad.
10. What are your favorite tv shows? They can be local in your country's language or anything~
The voice (Adam, Blake, Celo and Christina) and Running Man
11. Cake or pie?


Here's my question for you all guys....


1. Do you have been in realtionship before? How many times and what the most common reason for you to end the relationship?

2. Call or SMS??? Why? 
3. Horor movie or Action movie???
4. What do you do when you have the bad mood day?
5. How many time you change your hairstyle from high school till now? Which one you like the best your hairstyle and why?
6. Junk food or homemade food? Can you cook?
7. Do you exercise reguraly? What kind of exercise and why?
8. How many shoes do you have and which one is your favorite?
9. Do you ever accidentally experience the most embarassing moment happen when you at someone party? How do you deal with that kind of moment?
10. What's your favorite fruit and why?
11. What sport do you like the most? 
Hmmmm.... I'm not that good in asking question but I did it anyway. 
Take care ^^


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