
The Rules:

1. Post the Rules rule

2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4. Let them know you've tagged them


-Tagged by LoVeFoReVer77


LoVeFoReVer77's questions:

1. Last movie you watched?


2. Favorite song by Bruno Mars?


3. Your Favorite book?

The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike (it is a really good book!)

4. Do you have any kpop albums? If yes, for which idols??

No, unfortunately I do not. ;-;

5. Did you dress up for Halloween?

I did! I was Tinkerbell :)

6. What's your favorite subject?

World History

7. Do you think you look older or younger than your age.

A lot of people told me I look older than my age, so older.

8. Best korean solo singer??

IU!! I love her!



1. If you could dye your hair a wacky color, what color would it be?

2. What kind of pet did you have when you were younger?

3. Your favorite kpop group? (male and female)

4. What are you scared of?

5. If you were the second to last person on earth, who would you want the other person to be and why?

6. Favorite kpop song?

7. Are you good at staring contests?

8. Have you ever been to any concerts?

9. How were you introduced to kpop?

10. What kind of aff stories do you like reading?

11. If your bias suddenly called you from out of nowhere, how would you react?


The Tagged:

1. JazeMarie

2. MiinHyun

3. DuckbuttxxDolphin

4. jaehyos

5. itskimmybabyyx3

6. Asian4LIFEcuziamone

7. 2gdhae

8. soraaa

9. Saranghaeyooppa

10. alienjello-dy

11. DeenaDolly


Have fun~


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jaehyos #1
thank you for tagging me! (sorry I responded so late haha, I've been meaning to get to this but I got lazy lol)~ I'll go answer them rn. halloween is a good classic
Halloween ?!
I get scared if that movie xD