Tagged by BananasforJae


Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them

  1. Favorite food?

I love pasta. I’m a er for spaghetti, though I hate pesto. I don’t know how to cook proper meals so I’m the instant food kind of person. Instant noodles are the best. I like drowning in salt and preservatives lol. Oh, for drinks, I’m into coffee and iced tea. Someday I’d want to be Mrs. Coffee-and-Iced-Tea.

  1. Dream job?

I want to do lots of things – travel, write, talk, type, write, travel, then write again lol. I want to experience lots of things and careers. For my college applications, I applied for degress in economics, mathematics, political science, and journalism. I wanted to major in tourism but then I haven’t seen flight attendants in their 40’s serving food and whatever.

  1. K-Pop or K-Indie?

I don’t know much about k-indie so I’m more into kpop.

  1. What group do you absolutely love that no one else really likes?

I think Urban Zakapa is SOOOOOOOOOO underrated. The first time I heard Always Be Mine, I fell in love with the group already and listened to some other songs by them. Some groups I love are mainstream. Oh and I know many people know about Tasty but they don't get the attention they deserve. They're SUPER cool for choreographing their own dance steps and they're twins. (I'm so amazed by twins in general, like Youngmin and Kwangmin from Boyfriend) and if in performances, their dances look super easy to follow, I've heard people say that it's hard to cover so yeah. I like them.

  1. Thoughts on K-Hip Hop?

I have no idea what to say about k hiphop. Is Jay Park k-hiphop? Please enlighten my soul. OH!! I suddenly remembered Tasha. Lol I love her badass rapping and heartfelt lyrics. K hiphop (LOL now I have something to say) I think and hiphop in general gets easily misunderstood. I think people think that hiphop is all about swag and badass-ness (is there such a word) and all that bling bling but it’s not. And hearing Tasha rap is awesome and all, but after I learned that she was bullied because she was half-African (please correct me if I’m wrong) makes me adore her more.

  1. Do you listen to more male groups/singers or female groups/singers?

I listen to more male groups. I know I’m going to get a lot of hate (maybe) for saying this but I hate girl groups that do cutesy thing and aegyo and too y for their age stuff. I don’t know. It’s just my opinion. So the girl groups I listen to are limited to 2NE1, Lee Hi, Ailee, and IU (HAVE YOU HEARD MODERN TIMES I ABSOLUTELY ADORED IU). I listen to other girl groups as well, I just don’t love them as I love those mentioned above. ^^

  1. OTP?


  1. Ideal type?

Smart and funny guys. And guys taller than me!! (I’m 5’7 lol) But I’m not dating right now I’m only 16 lol I JUST REALIZED THIS BECAUSE I’M HUNGRY lol I want someone who knows how to cook too…or acted like a baker in a drama…someone who is attached to his parents…someone who sings well…*cough* Donghae *cough* Eunhyuk *cough*

  1. If you met your ideal type and you had one week to make him/her fall in love with you, what would you do?

I’ll get to meet him and know about him more. I would want to take it slowly, though, and be friends at first. If it develops into something more, we’ll see J

  1. First Korean song?

Nobody lol then Sorry Sorry then Fire

  1. Ultimate Korean drama/movie?

I’m into romantic comedy dramas (Full House, My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox, etc.) for movies, I’m into horror lol (The Wig, The Phone, The Red Shoes, almost everything in Korean has a horror story about it lol someday maybe there would be The Noodles. No? Okay T_T) and romance movies (Windstruck, My Sassy Girl, etc.)

I don't have the heart to tag anyone T_T if anyone reads this, you are tagged. TAGGED, I TELL YOU.

1. Do you think Eunhyuk is warning everyone of a war coming soon by tweeting about Donghaek (nuclear weapon)?

2. Why do you think people think of Asians as good in math? I'm so weird for asking this question.

3. Why do you consider your bias, your bias? What is your criteria for a kpop idol to be your bias?

4. What do you think of yuri/?

5. I'm so badass for breaking the rules I pasted above but this'll be my final question: honestly, do you buy albums or download it off the internet? (To be honest, I download it from youtube. The full version of it. Lol.)



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Haebby13 #2
I major in Tourism Management. Flight attendants wouldn't even reach early 30's serving food in a boarding plane, I guess.

But Toursim industry is a very broad business. It's not just the airline industry you get to serve. you can work in hotels, ships, resorts, travel agency, schools. There are a variety of opportunity open.

What's even better in this line of work is that, Tourism industry will never be off the market. It keeps growing every year. XD Older people, mostly those who are retired from their jobs tend to spend their entire time travelling. Just imagine how many those people are..

Lol. what I'm only trying to say is.. Tourism is fun. XD (and expensive in a way) I think you're qualified! You have the height. You speak english, well. That's already an edge. But yeah, goodluck in college! :D

(rising from the dead)
i don't know how to answer most of your question x.x