My Story Rant

This is a pull from my story that i just wanted to put somewhere.


Not a real update, that will come on Thursday.

This is an update on the progress of the Claiming Chapter~ Yay. And a Little History. And a tad bit of me ranting.

Claiming Chapter:

I have to reread and remember so much to make this accurate and incorporate feelings from the past and the present into one big mess to make this chapter make any sense.  It's a lot more work than I thought.

When i started this chapter I was all like:

"This will be so easy!"

"It's just retelling what already happened!"

"It's only going to be like ten pages! Nothing I can't handle!"



It is difficult to go back in my story and pull out the feelings I wanted to convey now and find the right way to express it in word.

It really can't be that hard to do this you think.  My answer: Try it yourself!

I'm laughing the whole time I'm writing this.  I'm taking breaks so i don't have to keep retyping.  I find it so funny that I am having these problems and plus it's just fun to laugh at yourself when you think back on old thoughts that are just ridiculous.

I know writing is hard, I’ve been writing stories for over seven years, I've seen my writing progress and improve.  I've seen my mistakes and horrible writing.  Heck i even reread some of the old stories I've started and slam my head against a wall before opening a new word document and rewriting it to my new standard.

That's actually how this story got started.  

History behind this story:

I started writing it in 2010 before giving it up and working on the story I have now completed and am in the progress of editing and formatting.  So I looked back at this story over the summer break and laughed at the horrid writing of it, so like I’ve done with a few others I’ve written I redid it and there is where got an idea.  I only have about the first 4-ish chapters done, the plot I had in mind written out so I didn't forget it and a list of characters drafted.  I had been on AFF for a year and a half by then and I was like: "I read fan fics but I have never written one, I have like 16 stories in the works I’m sure one of them would be cool to use!"

So deeming this story the best course of option and since I was already working on it a lot I got the first few chapters up to see if anyone liked it.  If they didn't I would abandon it and say it was a shot worth taking but it's a useless idea and I should stick to reading, my writing isn't good enough to be seen by the world.

I look at the 47 chapters posted and the 125 subscribers and 16 upvotes and get shocked every time.  I never thought i was that good at much and my writing was very private so I opened myself a little and let a piece of me into the world that I normally kept private and it turns out it was one of the best spur of the moment decisions I have ever made.

All of you make me so happy when you just read and support me though this journey.  I have so much to thank all of you reader for.

Well I'm ranting and half of you will probably not even read this but that's fine, as long as even one person reads this I will have a smile on my face as i make it through the next two days of disaster at University because i know there is someone or someones out there that care, even just the fraction about me and my rants that I really have no use for.

So back on topic! Update on the Claiming Story!

In Word, 1.5 spaced, size 12 font and typed in Cambria font the stats for the chapter are as such:

Pages = 20

Words = 8409

Longest Chapter Ever!  

I didn't think it was going to be this long.  And I'm not done yet!  I still have more to go!

You will have a long update coming your way on Thursday.  


Thanks for reading this useless chapter that will disappear on Thursday.




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O.O damn! that is one very long chapter.

I wish you luck^^
DANG! 8,000+ words?! That is one long chapter... Good luck :)