

    I can't... I knew Team A was going to win cause of all the spoilers you know. .. So I knew already and I think that just made me cry harder. I couldn't even cheer for Team A who I originally was voting for but I didn't cry once for them, perhaps that was also because I knew they were the winners (actually I cried a little at their dance) but ugh Team B's original song had me bawling, and then the ending before they announced the winner.. B.I just kept looking at the ground and ugh.... I'm suppose to be going somewhere in a few minutes. Now I'm all red faced from my tears. I think I've been crying for ten minutes straight. :( I am happy for Team A though, I just wish Team B was guaranteed to stay together and debut.


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I just finished watching Winner last night! well technically this morning at 5am lol But omg I cried so much. It was a mess. I did prefer Team A though but Team B made me cry the most throughout the whole program. And I think yg will do something with them. its possible the whole team might not stay intact though which is what i was thinking.. hm idk but i hope we hear something soon!