YEAH!!! Grey Mist is the color of the contacts that I bought today ^^ Well you guys might be curious why I bought contacts well here's the reason *O*

I went to an optical place to have my eye test results if my eye grade got increased and it did T^T Before it was 50 in both of my eyes and now it's 75 while my astigmatism is still 25 O.o

I'm still not good with these things because I just started to wear my glasses for almost like a year now when December came O.o But about the contacts ^^ Well I need it because I have PE Class and the sports that I chose was Softball and last week I got hit by a ball right in front of my face and I got two scratch/cut that was came from my glasses O_O I was happy that my glasses didn't broke also my nose *O*

All of my professor were so worried when they saw a small band-aid where the cut was but now it's okay and here's a picture of me with my grey mist contacts ^^ You may notice that my eyes are big doe again O.o My classmates even said my eyes are like the same with cats so they called me Sara-neko


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love the contacts
i hope u don't get hit in the face or at all again
aww your contacts look really nice on you!!! your eyes are really big Unnie!!