Tagged by TOPcorn! ^3^

TOPcorn posted a tagging game thingy, and I'm a follower, so yeah. XD
Rule 1. Post the rules.
Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to this post.
Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

1. Has the bias of your favourite band ALWAYS been your bias, or has it changed since you started liking them?
I was such a GD stan at first. But then I started to see changes in him, or rather I keep seeing too much arrogant swag G-Dragon and not the sweet Kwon Jiyong. So I'm still in my hate phase with him. Its really hard to explain. I have like 3 songs from his new album, and didn't like the others. I don't watch his Inkigayo stuff. I took down his posters when I painted my room in the summer, and Seungri has replaced him. So my bias is now Seungri. <3
2. What's your favourite English speaking/singing band or singer? 
Does Utada Hikaru count? She has two English albums so~ She's always been my favorite singer/artist. Always. Still waiting for her to come out of her hiatus. I have her concert DVDs. <3
3. If you were to choose one person from the kpop world to be your FRIEND (nothing more than that, ever), who would you pick? 
Sandara Park. :3 She's so sweet. I think it would be fun to talk with her and go shopping and stuff~
4. If you could go anywhere in the world with $10,000 spending money, where would you go and what would you do?
 Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore. :3 I don't even know if that's enough money? XD
5. Which Pokemon do you think would be the tastiest to eat? 
Hard question, so many of them look tasty. ;___________;
And I couldn't possibly eat anything that cute. ;__________;
*flails arms*
6. If you were a rapper, what would your stage name be? 
MC Chi~ I can't think of anything clever or word pun-y. XD
7. If you could visit one historical moment in time, which would it be and why?
the battle of San Jacinto. Because I'm a proud Texan. XD kkk
8. If you had to choose between giving up your favourite food for the rest of your life, and never hearing your favourite song again, which would you choose?
I'd give up the song. Food is more important. I love food so much <3
9. If you could choose one song to represent your life, or you as a person, which song would it be?
I think Keep Tryin' by Utada has always sort of been my anthem. Back when competitive dancing was my life, I was doing the best I could even with asthma and a bad back. I feel like I've learned more from those losses than anything.
10. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Dogs. <3 I have a weakness for pugs~
11. If you could own any animal in the world, and have it big enough to ride as a form of transportation, what would you have?
a platypus. I dunno. XD
Okay so here are my 11 queations for you to answer~ I'm just tagging anyone who reads this. XP
1. When was the last time you cried, and why?
2. If you could choose between seeing your favorite k-pop group performing in your country and showing them around town yourself, or getting to fly to Seoul and watch them there and they show you their town, which would you choose?
3. What's a compliment someone gave you recently?
4. If you watch anime or korean dramas, what do you look for in a plot or characters that make you want to watch it?
5. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate?
6. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did you break it?
7. If you had the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, which instrument would you choose?
8. What are eight things you do every day?
9. Favorite breakfast food?
10. What are your favorite tv shows? They can be local in your country's language or anything~
11. Cake or pie?
oh and Happy Halloween! X3 ..if you celebrate it? XD


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I'm join the quiz!
MessyPeanut #2
I answer you questions... ^^
I answered yours tooooo~ :P

1. When was the last time you cried, and why?

Today. Pain. Hahahaha.

2. If you could choose between seeing your favorite k-pop group performing in your country and showing them around town yourself, or getting to fly to Seoul and watch them there and they show you their town, which would you choose?

I'd want them to come here. I'd show them what opportunity there is here, with the hope that they would then want to come back in future.

3. What's a compliment someone gave you recently?

Someone told me I was too pretty to be as big of a nerd as I am, so I'm not sure if that's REALLY a compliment, but eh xD

4. If you watch anime or korean dramas, what do you look for in a plot or characters that make you want to watch it?

I love characters that make it difficult to determine where they stand. Like... Do I hate them? Should I love them? That was nice of them, but they're such a jerk! Or stuff like that. That is why Code Geass is my favourite anime because of my love and hate for Lelouch. XD

5. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate?

Whiiiiiite. *-* but it makes me so sick xD

6. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did you break it?


7. If you had the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, which instrument would you choose?


8. What are eight things you do every day?

Check twitter, check FB, check LINE, text my best friend,take my pills, listen to music, check the cupboard for new food, crack my toes xD

9. Favorite breakfast food?


10. What are your favorite tv shows? They can be local in your country's language or anything~

Supernatural, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Dexter.

11. Cake or pie?

Depends on the flavour xP I'd say it's a tie between peach and mango cheesecake, and apple pie. Mmmmm.