To My Ex;

Dear J,

We just ended our relationship, our 3 years and 1 month relationship, today. 

I'm sorry our 'forever' did not exist. 
I'm sorry I'm not your true love. 
I'm sorry I wasted 3 years of your time. 
It's a pity that after all the things we've been through we're back to where we first started, strangers. But we are strangers with beautiful memories. 
I hope you find someone that loves you as much as you love her. I did, but I guess it's not just meant to be. She will be the most beautiful person of Earth and she'll be lucky to have you.
Shower her with the affection you once gave me, continue to love her through the years. It was definitely nice to know you, to laugh with you and to share a part of my life with you.
I hope you can move on fast so that you won't hurt. I hope you find that true love soon. You deserve it. I'm sorry that I wasn't that person and I'm sorry I wasted your time. We have been together for at least 3 years and I guess, I'm more than grateful to have you here with me.
I know you can do well without me, J. Stay healthy and be the strong person I know you are. 


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