Omo the deputy principal actually laughed when I was presenting!! That's really shocking as he's pretty scary... And my classmates said my speech was "brutally honest and funny" o_o"

I didn't intend for it to be comedy relief... but OH WELL XD XD

I am honestly so happy right now! And now that it's over, this means...

I AM BACK ON AFF!! WELL AND TRULY BACK!! WHOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!! *attempts Yesung's crazy dance*

Since I'm writing this- I may as well thank a few people in the process ^___________^

 (I love this gif so so much)


@ShineeELF26 UNNIE! COME ON AFF AT ONCE!! Even though you're really busy at the moment >.<" But I just want to say...SARANGHAE UNNIE!! I will wait!

@DredhezRei My precious and awesome unnie, I just want to say...YOUR KARMA AMOUNT IS SO SCARY!! And thank you for always commenting on every update and supporting me and my fickle decisions!!! I really do hope you get well soon <33 (oh and my nose isn't itchy anymore!!)

@hanchullovekyumin NIA UNNIE!! COME ON AFF MORE BECAUSE I CAN'T GO ON FB THAT MUCH!! You were my first proper friend on AFF and I'm grateful for that <33

@sujurockz4ever97 Thank you so much my dearest unnie for all your support and advice and and for just being there <33

@LoveYesungandTurtles You are a very caring as well as being an awesome Cloud with me!! ^_^ I will make extra lemon sorbet for you!! :D

@wookie_cookie I will forever love spazzing about wookie with you <33 SARANGHAE!!

@LadyHeeHeeXP Although we've only just become friends, I really like you!! ^________^ please don't misinterpret my meaning :)

@golden_dragon25 kekeke...I will tell you all you need to know about SuJu >:D

You guys are daebak!! All of you are really precious and important to me- you make my day a whole lot brighter!!

I will always support you!! :)

(Holy shisus that sounded cheesy... -_-)

...That's all! :D :D :D


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woow! I'm so, so happy for you right now!! :D
You did it? Jinja? Congrats, dongsaeng-ah! I knew you could do it! ^^