I got tagged. XD

Saenan tagged me so...here I go. ^_^
1) Which character in a work (it could be a book, anime, drama, series, movie, fanfic etc) can you call your favorite. Please elaborate.
Noooooo! This is too hard to answer! >.< Um...lets see...humm...well, I guess I'll just stick with Star Wars for now. (I'm a HUGE Star Wars geek.) And I'd have to say that my favorite character so far (including expanded universe) would have to be Revan. The whole KOTR story has a special place in my heart and I adore Old Republic era things. And Revan really is such a fascinating character to me...
But, along the lines of a character that I like...I love characters that you are able to really explore psychological things with. They just intrigue me.
2) Can you describe your writing style?
Oh, that's another hard one...I haven't really fully grown into mine yet, but I love to play around and I have noticed several themes that tend to stretch through all of my stories (whether they're fantasy, sy-fy, or a drama). I know that I love to play with psychological ideas, and I focus really heavily on characters. I also tend to be a little more dramatic in what I write, even if it's a comedy. 
3) What kind of stories do you like and why?
Pretty much anything as long as its well written. But I tend to gravitate towards fantasy and sy-fy. I know...I'm a nerd.
4) What is the latest story/movie/song/whatever that caused an emotional turmoil, possibly bringing you to tears?
The latest...hum...I'm not really that emotional when it comes to that sort of thing (meaning I tend not to cry). But freeXfall's "Damaged" (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/476317/damaged-abuse-angst-exo-kris-suho-krisho-sukrisdid make me tear up several times. (It's very well done.) And Hyukkieoppa's "To Fix You" (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/540266/to-fix-you-angst-byunghee-joon-mblaq-mir-seungho-thunderis also amazing and makes me cry. ^_^ (I still haven't figured out hyper links. XD)
5) If you were given an opportunity to go to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in and why?
Well, Gryffindor has the most action. But I think that I'd fit best in either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Just because I'm super nerdy and intellectual, but I'm also very weird and hyper.
6) Who knows you the best and can you elaborate on why you think that?
My boyfriend. We've been together for almost four years now and he's really the only person that I've ever completely opened myself up to. I'm usually very reserved and quiet when it comes to myself and I don't like discussing things with people. He even knows what I'm  upset about sometimes when I don't. It's really weird. XD
7) What do your readers mean to you? 
I want to say something cliche here, but honestly they are just...they're great. I can't thank them enough for how supportive and encouraging they are! I'm going through some seriously rough times and I've always been self-concious of my writing abilities so this has really been an awesome experience for me.
8) The kpop group/artist that had/has the most influence on you.
Exo. It would have to be Exo. They're the first group I really got into and really got to know and they introduced me to so many more groups. And listening to k-pop made me become more sure of myself and confident enough to say, "Hey, I like something you don't and I don't care. So deal with it."
9) Who would you want to be in We Got Married with and what would the show be like with you and your partner in it?
Um...this show I know little to nothing about so I'll just say that I have no idea? It's like a reality show where people pretend to be married right? Being honest the only person I want to be like that with is my boyfriend, but if I have to chose someone in k-pop...Suho? He's my bias so *shrugs* I guess that's what people do right? Although it would be fun to hang out with troll Chen, or happy Chanyeol. They just seem like so much fun! ^_^
10) How did you get drawn to the kpop world?
That my friends is a long story...I was watching a video by some youtubers that I follow and they linked me to this channel called MyIsh and the first video up was a list of I think twelve k-pop groups that everyone loved. So I watched it and was like, "Hey that's kinda cool but whatev's..." And then MAMA popped up on the screen.
And I was intrigued. I loved the tune, the dance was interesting...so I looked it up. And then I was like "WAS THAT A FREAKING DRAGON???? OHMYGOSH!!!" And from that moment on I was hooked.
11) (Stealing this one from Lina xD) Your favorite quote?
You don't want to know the extent of my nerdyness...but okay. 
"Do or do not, there is no try." and "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."
So that's that. And now I must go do laundry! ^_^
*sigh* Tag 11 people...that takes so long...
Can I just say that if you want you can answer my questions? *puppy eyes* Please? I want to work on my writing. ;)
The rules are post the rules, answer the 11 questions, make 11 new ones, and tag 11 people.
Here's my questions:
1. Why do you read fanfiction?
2. What is your dream in life?
3. The song that has impacted you the most. (Any genre)
4. What is your favorite animal?
5. Do you have a pet/s?
6. Does anyone else on here game?
7. What do you do on a rainy day?
8. Your favorite art style. (Drawing, writing, music...etc.)
9. Your favorite childhood toy.
10. Who is your favorite author?
11. If you had to chose one cookie, what would it be? Sugar, chocolate chip, macadamia, oatmeal raisin, or shortbread?
My tags:









Saenan (gotcha back! XD)




You don't have to do it if you don't want to. ^_^



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