Tag by totayelnsuerngd!

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4Let them know you've tagged them.

1. Which is your favorite band and why?

Super Junior~ The reason is that they are a bunch of retarded kids. Simple.

2. Do you have any weird hobbies?

Talking to myself? Idek if it's weird. Well, talking to yourself is not weird. Getting caught by someone when talking to yourself is. :P I also like to stalk a friend whom I like to call 'futub' 

3. Who is one person you can't live without?

Mom!! <3

4. What super power would you want?

It would be so cool to be able to teleport!

5. How long has it been since you have read a legit book (with paper pages and stuff) just for fun?

For fun? I don't think that has ever happened. I don't even see it happening in the near future.

6. How did you get into fanfiction?

Anime is what got me into fanfiction... and that was like more than four years ago.

7. First ever ship?

Naruto x Sasuke from Naruto! I used to be so crazzzy about it back in the days and now I'm like MEH!

8. Do you watch any anime or read any manga?

The most recent anime I watched was 'Demon lord at work'... as for manga, probably 'My heavenly Hockey Club' <3

9. What is your favorite fanfic to date?

ZOMG! There's just too many. It's impossible to choose T.T

10. Favorite class in school?

I hate going to school and studying stuff... But there are times when I really like Math and Biology and English is fine too.

11. How strongly do you feel about grammar in stories (meaning will you go crazy with little grammar errors or are you more tolerant?)?

I can tolerate it to some extent. But really dumb errors make me want to shoot the computer screen.

Don't feel like tagging. I already did it once.


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hey u didnt tag me!! :/
Lol yay you did it :D (I'm replying in class :P)