Being tagged by fyeahwook

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Now, my eleven questions:

1) OTP? [One True Pairing]


2) If you're the one and only lucky fan to see one of the members of the group, who would it be? Why?

EUNHYUK because seeing him alone is enough

3) If you have a one day pass to South Korea, what are you planning to do at there?

Go to Eunhyuk house.. eheheh

4) First Kpop group that you fell in love with.


5) I'm listening to Super Junior - Superman. How about you?

Inna- More than friends

6) Other fans that bash on your bias, how would you react?

Hurt :’(

7) To the authors here, have you ever wanting to give up? To those that have yet started, willing to join us and write stories about your favourite pairings?

Yup2.. im writing now but it does not feel right…..

8) How's life compared to with Kpop and without Kpop?

Totally different

9) Who's your top five favourite authors here?

Can’t choose….ALL OF THEM..!!!

10) Let's just say. You fall sick and your Otp appear, taking care of you. Feeding you and giving you soft kisses. Do you wish to quickly recover or remain 'fakely' sick?

11) Your favourite quote from your favourite Kpop group or member?

Please remember that Super Junior is forever ONE- Lee Hyuk Jae/Eunhyuk

[Example: "If you want to be alive, don't let Donghae drive!" - Eunhyuk of Super Junior]


My 11 Question… Here we go…

  1. Your number 1 favorite song
  2. Your hobby
  3. Your most top 1 OTP
  4. What will you do if you found your bias wallet?
  5. What if you do if you meet your bias family?
  6. How long had you known kpop?
  7. Your reaction if your bias say “Let’s have a 1 whole day date”
  8. What gift does you want from you bias to give you?
  9. What will you do if on your right side is your boyfriend and on your left side your bias?
  10. What kind of relationship you want to have with your bias?
  11. What will you do if your bias kissed you?

Tagged them <3













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Can i post it here? Tehee
My 11 Question… Here we go…

Your number 1 favorite song

Your hobby

Your most top 1 OTP

What will you do if you found your bias wallet?
Stick it on my wall. No HAHAHA return it i guess?

What if you do if you meet your bias family?
Umm idk._.

How long had you known kpop?
2.5yrs, close to 3 years

Your reaction if your bias say “Let’s have a 1 whole day date”

What gift does you want from you bias to give you?
I wanna touch his abs. Sorry i feel like a creepy fangirl

What will you do if on your right side is your boyfriend and on your left side your bias?
Umm i'll be friendly with my bais while holding my boyfriend's hand:>

What kind of relationship you want to have with your bias?

What will you do if your bias kissed you?
Kiss back? Duh