
Oh yes, it's that time of the year again. And since I want to prove to my brother that I'm not much of a sissy, I decide to download a bunch of horror movies to watch on Halloween. And I'm writing this post to the whole community of AFF; O dear readers, lend me your ears!




do u kno any good horror movies desu~<3



Please, not the super gorey kind. Or zombies. Or slashers. I mean srsly I think they're gonna hate my tastes since I'm going for Carrie, Trick r' Treat, The Purge, and We Are What We Are (mexican ver.). I already watched Insidious 1 & 2, The Conjuring, Halloween, It, and Freddie vs. Jason (i sURVIVED THANK GOD) soo... Pretty please?


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I can only think of Asian horror movies at the moment, but I don't think you need that (cause... you know... Philippines) o.O So I'll go with Dead Silence ^^;
You can try Paranormal activities part 1,2,3,4. And I know many more. You can tell me the genre,I'll suggest you some.