Tagged By DazzlingTaemint

The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
1) Top ten favorite k-pop songs? 
Hmmmmm in no particular order:
1. Infinite's Before the Dawn 
2. U-kiss's Neverland/Stop Girl/Believe/Te Amo ahhhh what the hell I love all their songs DX 
3. Shinee's Ayo
4. F(x)'s Snapshot
5. SNSD's Flower Power (but this is a Japanese song, meh its my fav from them >.< and Girl's Generation is Korean, hopefully I'm not breaking the rules...)
6. Kara's Step
7. Beast's Shadow
8. Henry's Trap
9. Infinite's Destiny
10. Shinee's Evil 
2) What color is your bedroom wall?
White lol
3) If you could join any of the big three k-pop companies (JYP, YG, SM) which one would you choose?
SM cos I'm biased ^^
4) Favorite phone app?

5) Best present you've ever recieved?
My Ipod touch 
6) If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
Perhaps Vanessa since apparently I've been mistaken as a Vanessa before ><
7) Your idea of a perfect date?
Watching a movie then having a romantic dinner~
8) What are you scared of the most?
Scary Movies lol I'm not a fan of horror DX
9) Favorite ride at Disneyland?!?
I have never been to Disneyland...
10) Favorite cartoon?
Avatar the Last Airbender :D

My Questions:
1. What kpop fandom/s do you belong to?
2. Top 5 non-kpop songs.
3. Tea or Coffee?
4. How did you find out about Asianfanfics?
5. If you could be grant one wish, what would your wish be?
6. Favourite subject at school?
7. What your favourite season out of the four? 
8. Your Bias?
9. Favourite Film?
10. Type of phone you currently have?
11. Favourite colour?

People I tag:
1. DazzlingTaemint
2. ANZ_Ninja7
3. irfahh
4. Woorikevsica09
5. Evil_Keshi
6. Heavz01
7. ukississhinee
8. RKP_Yoshi
9. shineekitten
10. Tegwi_Panda
11. zfarhi



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Since I'm not going to make a new post for getting tagged again I'll just do it here xD
1)Shawol, Exotic, Sone, Baby, af(x)tion (is that how u spell it???), and there are other bands I love but I'm just not in their fandom really
2)1. Rock N Roll- Avril Lavigne
2. I knew you were trouble- Taylor Swift
3. Helping Twilight win the crown- My little pony (don't judge me!!!!)
4. Roar- Katy Perry
5. Basically any Disney song xD
3) Coffee though I love bubble tea
4)My friend showed me her fanfic
5)To have my dream job (which is a zookeeper) with good pay
8)Lee Taemin <3
9) Aladdin or Peter Pan (Disney)
10)iphone 4s
11)Purple :)
Evil_Keshi #2
Aw, A-yo is one of my favourite songs as well *w*
I will answer your questions as soon as I have time, maybe tomorrow if I'm lucky xD Your questions are interesting and I can't wait to do the thing ! :D Thank you ^^
AZN_Ninja7 #3
Sweet XD lmao I lubbs dis shtuff XD Hahahahahah