Tagged by ChocoEclair

Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4:Let them know you've tagged them.
Question 1: Are you a girl or a boy?
A girl. ^_^
 Question 2: What is your favorite fanfiction?
rochellephoon's An Era of Mortal Intoxication
Question 3: If you write, where do most of your ideas come from/how do you come up with ideas?
Songs I hear. Thing's I've been through - sometimes with the same ending, mostly with the ending i wanted. Some through random conversations. When i write, what i have in mind doesnt always end up in the story. most of the time my stories create a life of its own.
 Question 4: If you could choose a second middle name (assuming you already have one) what would it be? If you don't have one, what middle name do you want?
i dont get the question. hahahah. sorry. im sleepy. 
Question 5: What is the worst book you ever read? 
It's not the worst because it's badly written as 50 Shades of Gray or Twilight, but I think John Irving's "Until I Find You" is the worst book i've ever read because of the issues it dealt with (child molestation, and the child... liked it.) It's the only book that made me close it and put it on my shelf. i let the book set there for a good two weeks before i started reading it again.
Question 6: What is the name of your favorite stuffed animal/blanket/childhood toy? What is it? (Ex: mine is a polar bear named Cuddles)
A vintage looking Teddy bear named Angelo. ^_^
Question 7: Do you like/play video games? Which ones?
Yes. Suikoden Series, Final Fantasy Series, Tales of ... Series. Devil May Cry Series. I play a lot of PSP, PS2, PS3 games. ^_^
Question 8: Mac or PC?
Question 9: What color is your suitcase? 
neon green. it's broken now tho.
Question 10: Are you old enough to be reading my fanfictions? (I know I'm not)
Yup. I think i'm too old to be even reading or writing it.
Question 11: How many things have you signed up for using the username you have on aff?
livejournal. tumblr. twitter. facebook. youtube

1. What is your biggest fear?

- To be forgotten. I want to believe i have done something during my existence worth remembering.

2. What is your lifelong dream?

- To travel all over the world. immerse myself to different cultures.

3. What is your favorite scene from a movie? 

- god. ive watched too many movies... but it should be from a Filipino movie titled, "One More Chance"

As the movie went (I shall translate it to English) [P=Popoy, the ex-bf, B=Basha, the ex-gf]

"P: What's the problem?
B: It's me. I'm the one with the problem because im still hurting even if i shouldnt be. I wish i could endure the pain that i feel because i'm the one who asked for this, didn't i? I wanted this. I hope i can say that I'm happy for you, for the both of you. I hope i can, but no, I cant. I'm such an evil person hoping that you'll say, "It's you, it's still you." Let it be me, let it be me once again.
P: I love Trisha (the current gf).
B: I know. I know. 
P: She loved me at my worst, and you had me at my best.And you let it all go to waste.
B: Popoy, is that what you really think? I just made a choice.
P: And you chose to break my heart." 


4. Do you enjoy Korean food? (because I can't eat them OTL)

- Very much. ^_^

5. When is the furthest you have been away from home?

- When? as in time? More than a year. I lived away from my home.

6. Comfort or design? (when it comes to bags/clothes) 

- comfort.

7. Do you agree with "Money can't buy happiness"?

- Nope. I mean, I'm happy with my friends, but let's be honest here. If i want to travel the world and be happy, i'd need a lot of money.

8. Which family member are you closest to?

- my sisters. all 3 of them.

9. The first thing you'd say to your bias if you incidentally met your bias somewhere?

- Hi. Don't be scared of me, but i love you with all my heart.

10. What is the best concert you have ever watched?

- Foster the People for Non-KPOP and DKFC for EXO OT12 but Super Show 5 in Manila is something else. It's Heechul's first Super Show since getting discharged and i can feel the love from Henry and Zhou Mi. 

11. Name a food you have never tasted but would like to try :D 

- I wouldnt know. im so sorry.

I tag: 

I'm sorry but i wont be tagging anyone. i'm too lazy. XD


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