Tagged by Misa-chanlovesyou

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

1) Do you read what I write?


2) Do you like bubble tea?

I kinds do, but I had really bad exprince with so yeah

3) Do you hate really long words? (I hate those since I think I might spell them wrong TT^TT)

Not really, I like writing and it help know what I spelt wrong

4) If you do read what I write which Fic do you like the best? 


A Tutor For My Finals

5) what's your favorite drama, if you have one?

I think it would be School 2013

6) have you ever been to a foreign country?

No, not since I was like 3 months old I came to America since I was born in Micronesia

7) What do you normally do when your bored?

I either go on Instagram or just read 

8) who is your inspiration?

I don't know, I haven't thought that much, but I think it would be Nick Vujicic (The man with no arms or legs)

9) Do you not like the questions I'm asking?

They're okay, I really don't mind 

10) Have I told you lately that I love you, XD have you heard that song before? 

No, but it sounds interesting. You kinds startled me when you said this

11) can you spell race car backwards for me? 

Rac Ecar(?)

1) If you could have anything in the world, what would it be and why?
2) Who was your first kpop idol/group you when you frist found out about kpop?
3) Do you have friends who like kpop? If yes, what would you guys talk about, and what are their bias. If no, why?
4) Does anyone in your family like kpop? If yes, who and who do they like? If no, why?
5) Do you have favorite korean show?
6) What is your favorite drama?
7) What are you going to be for Halloween?
8) Who is your role model?
9) Which company would you go in? And why?
10) Did anyone in your life make fun of kpop?
11) Do you have a kpop idol/group you dislike a lot? If yes, why?

I tagged-



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;__; can you tag me too?