Tagged by un_holy_confessions


1) Post the rules. √

2) Answer the questions the tagger asked you and make 11 new ones √

3) Tag 11 people and link them to the post. √

4) Tell them they've been tagged. √
oo1) What kpop group did you hear first? Super Junior
oo2) What is your favorite kdrama? Either White Christmas or She Is Wow
oo3) Who is your ultimate bias? Super Junior-M's Zhoumi
oo4) Infinite or Exo? Infinite
oo5) What song is your current obsession? (Doesn't have to be kpop) Panic! At The Disco's This is Gospel
oo6) What fanfic is your favorite? I don't really have just one, though one of my favorite's is Kyuhyun... It's been hard on you
oo7) Who is your favorite group to watch on shows? U-Kiss or B1A4
oo8) Do you like both genders? Yep
oo9) Favorite holiday? Christmas
oo10) Lee Joon Or Jay Park? Lee Joon
oo11) Who is your favorite youtuber that reacts with kpop? I don't really watch reaction videos so I can't say
My questions:
1. Are you happy with your life as it is right now?
2. What have you done today?
3. Have you ever drawn on yourself?
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
5. Do you have the TV on right now?
6. What's the closest object to your left?
7. Do you need glasses/contacts?
8. Who's your favorite musical artist?
9. Do you watch anime?
10. What's your favorite book?
11. What's your favorite movie?
I'm tagging:


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shunkansentimental #1
Sorry I won't be able to follow the rules but I'd be glad to answer your questions.

1. Are you happy with your life as it is right now? I am happy right now. I'd love to be happier in the future.
2. What have you done today? I went to school because enrollment today.
3. Have you ever drawn on yourself? Yes, specifically on my left hand using pen.
4. Are you wearing socks right now? No.
5. Do you have the TV on right now? Yes but I am not watching. LOL. No one does.
6. What's the closest object to your left? My laptop's charger and the small table in the living room.
7. Do you need glasses/contacts? Yes, I've been using eyeglasses since I was 14.
8. Who's your favorite musical artist? I don't really know. Jessica, perhaps?
9. Do you watch anime? Yes but not that much now. T.T
10. What's your favorite book? Hunger Games because it's the only book I finished reading. And oh, The Lost Hero too. XD
11. What's your favorite movie? Hmmm... Harry Potter series. Fave among those would be The Goblet of Fire.

Thank you. :)