-gurgles- I've been tagged by... LlyaAegi

Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: LlyaAegi

Question Time~

1. What is your favorite story on AFF?

I honestly don't know if I can answer this I have so many~ To the point where I have them all bundled up under one label. Can I cheat and do my top 3? House of the Setting Sun (LlyaAegi) , Oh, Rati (annafeu) , and Not Worth Your Tears (MoshiMoshi-Zelo-Desu). 

2. If you could give advice to your past self, what would you say?

I would slap myself across the face and tell myself to straighten the up because past experiences should NEVER negatively affect your life, only make you a better person.

3. Who, outside of your family, is your biggest inspiration?

Everyone I've ever met. I honestly... I love people watching and when I see one person do even the smallest thing it inspires me.

4. What is your personal talent?

Baking. I love baking. Some people drink away pain and grief, I bake it away. I remember when my grandfather passed the entire house was so hot because I was baking so much.

5. Which Kpop band will you follow to the end of your days and why?

2PM. For reasons I do not know. I'd just love to see where they take their lives. They each have their special tallents but what'll they end up doing after the glitter stops falling, eh? 

6. Do you prefer printed books or ebooks?

I don't care. Give me a book and I'll read it. does it have words? Yes? Okay then.

7. If you could spend 3 days anywhere, real or fiction, where would you go?

I have a feeling this answer hould be well thought out and inspirational but man... France. I'd just stuff my face. Food is my thing and France has a lot of it.

8. Favorite non-kpop band/artist?

Amy Winehouse. I just do. Her voice is just wonderful to me. Nasal undertones and all.

9. If you could turn into an animal, what would you be?

A cat. They can do whatever the hell they want and people just go "Awwww~"

10. OTP you think is seriously real?

Yunjae. That is one ship that I refuse to let sink. That is all.


My Questions for y'all.

1. What's your favorite food and why?

2. What is your favorite group and what makes them so special in your eyes?

3. If you could be any person for one day who would you be? Why?

4. You have a time machine and you can change only one moment in your life, that could then potentially change your future. What moment in time are you going back to?

5. What is one characteristic that you look for in a potential mate (physically or personality-wise)?

6. Do you prefer a quiet friend or a talkative one?

7. What is it that makes you smile no matter what?

8. What is your view of stereotypes?

9. Do you think all kpop idols are really who they seem to be?

10. What do you love the most about yourself?


TAGGED (mostly those that I silently stalk...):












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I'll do it but I don't wanna tag people xD
Oh goddammit, I have been attagged!
(Lame wordplay for "attacked")
(Not too proud of it)
(Or maybe I am)
I'll do this when I come back from school tomorrow...
*notes this in agendas* B|