Tagged By AyaniELF

rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

1). Which superpower do you want? (Hey don't blame me I love fantasy >.>)

I'm not sure, but I think I would want healing, telekinisis, and/or mind reading

2). Top 3 favorite songs of ALL TIME

I think it would be Black Heart by exo k/m, I did wrong by 2am, and 0330 by u kiss

3). Can you describe your bias WITHOUT telling us who it is?

Well, he is cute, shy, tall, but not tall as changmin or kris, he is from sm town, and he's forgetful (Do you know who it is? ^^)

4). What is your favorite movie? (I'm genuinely curious o.o)

I don't know, I don't watch movies much, but I will say the Hunger Games

5). Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? (legitimate question that I asked my bff T)

A leg so I could still hold my loved ones

6). Cupcakes or pie? (you choose pie, you get bonus puntos)

I think pie because I'm not really a fan of sweet things much

7). If you could be ANYTHING at all for 1 day, what would you be? (if you say lamp.../laughs)

I would be a guest/mc on hello counselor or running man

8). Spiderman or Batman or Superman?

I would be Spider(wo)man

9). What is the saddest moment of your entire life? (Mine was losing my betta, Sparky)

I'm not sure, but I would think it would be a time when my brother stepped on my laptop the day after my birthday

10). What do you think you WOULD have been doing if Asianfanfics were never invented?

I would be either watching tv or read

11). FREEBIE (cause I'm out of good questions) Write any question you want to answer~

If you would do anything in your life what would you do?

I would go all over the world and try new things since I'm always tired of the old kinds here

My 11 questions-
1) What are 4 of your dream jobs?
2) What are 4 of your favorite numbers? (I recommend not to do above 10 if you want. ^^)
3) Name 4 guys you like
4) Your favorite number between 1-10
5) If you would have a life with anybody, what would you do with them?
6) If you could have any kpop idol as your child, who sould it be and why?
7) If your son/daughter is dating someone, who would it be and why?
8) If you had 1 wish, what would you wish for?
9) If you had 24 hours to licve what would you do?
10) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
11)  Do you have Instagram? If yes, follow me (Link-http://instagram.com/spirithelvenkpop) ! If no, That's alright.
I would tag-



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