Question Game


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.


1)      Favortie genre for a story?

Fluff that’s rated M mostly. Mainly fluff. t’s good too. I like angst. And fluff.  I like high school fics.

2)      I'm curious. What's your favorite color? 


3)      Any televisons shows you absolutely adore? 

Boys over flowers, Secret Garden, You’re Beautiful

4)      What do you do outside of reading/writing fanfiction?

University. Study.  Write. Mentally married to Shinee’s Jonghyun and Onew and CN Blue’s Yonghwa and Jonghyun.

5)      What are you/have you/do you want to study in school?

I wanted to study Literature and History but I chose Psychology instead.

6)      What makes you turn away from a story?

The writing style. If it’s terrible I’m not going to hurt my brain to read it.

7)      What is your favorite holiday?

Divali. I love the lights. And the family atmosphere.

8)      What is your favorite OTP in Kpop?

Eunhae and Hunhan. 

9)      Favorite fanfiction?

That’s a totally unfair question. Because this is AFF and one does not simply choose a favourite story.

-Piano in the Dark and Chances by Jackson00

-Into your world by Shining_Dreamer

-Office Antics by Areumdaun

-Then Came You by YoungWoo17

-Save the Date by aintyoufunny


10) Favorite author?

My favourite authors are those from my favourite stories but I’m going to have to go with Jackson00


11) What is your favorite quote?

“Sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same,” The Fray- All at Once



Zevlin22’s Questions

1)      Favourite stories?

2)      Favourite authors?

3)      Favourite OTP?

4)      What makes you turn away from stories?

5)      Weirdest OTP you ever read about?

6)      Story that actually made you cry?

7)      How did you find AFF?

8)      Favourite K-Dramas?

9)      Of any K-Pop idol, who would you marry and why?

10)   A story/plot/pairing you wish someone would write about?

11)   Favourite K-Pop band?


Tagged to answer my questions:












(Disclaimer: You names aren't added in any specifie order adn I think the different colours indicate if you're online when I'm coping your name to here.)

If I haven't tagged you, I'M SORRY!!!!! Feel free to play along.


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