Tagged - nuneo2daKAY

i'm rlly not the kind of person that do these kind of.... things but i'll give it ago (;


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 10 people and link them to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: nuneo2daKAY


1. Who's ur favorite OTP~?

Ooooh this is easy lol i ship taecxmyself. K no kidding, taeckhun ftw (:

2. Who's ur bias in KPOP~?

One love, Ok Taecyeon.

3. What do you do in your free time~?

Hmmm... I daydream alot, otherwise i'm on my lappie or ipad writing~

4. Are you the type of Kpop fans that are more into fanfiction or more into fandom~?

Both I guess? There's a balance between both activities hehe

5. The most extreme thing you will willingly do for ur bias~?

Honestly honestly honestly honestly the most extreme thing? I'll be the surrogate mom for Taec's child if he's gay.

6. Have you ever thought of leaving the fandom you're in or Kpop generally~? Reason~?

Hmmm for now, nope.

7. Most precious thing in your life~?

My memories of a particular someone (;

8. Do you have anything you regret doing the most in your life~?


9. What is your measurement to tell that a person is happy or not in their life~?

This is hard. WHY AMEL WHY DO YOU GIVE SUCH HARD QUESTIONS? hmmm if they're comfortable and accepting with/about their own flaws, I guess that's how I measure if someone's happy with their life or not.

10. Any interest beside Kpop~?

MAJOR GLEEK HERE :D & of course my guitar and... back to daydreaming again (;


My 10 Questions~~

1. Favourite kpop group(s)

2. Who's your bias & of course, why?

3. Favourite OTP(s)

4. All-time favourite AFF story(s)?

5. Have you seen the people from (question number one) before? if yes - TELL ME ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE :D

6. Hobbies? Interests? Favourite past-times?

7. Describe yourself in 10 words. (a sentence, point/bullet form, up to you)

8. How did you get into Kpop? And when?

9. Any favourite non-kpop bands/artists/tv shows?

10. Do you have line/kakaotalk? LOL


tagging (can I srsly not tag?)












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oh! i'm being tagged! ^^
noona i'm lost about the whole tag thing can you help your dongseang here.
surrogate mother omfg hhHAHAHAHHhhahHHAHa I just choked and died.