Rule 1: post the rules

          Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

                        Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

                           Rule 4:let them know you tagged them



1.  Am I awesome?

Yes, you are an awesome dongsaeng~


2. If you were to rely on one thing (not PERSON) what would it be?

I  don't know... buddha?


3.If you were to name one person did you fall for the most? Excluding all kpop singers or an artist in any country.

This guy I used to like named Miguel.


4.If you were to ask for your month, what month would it be? Why?

Probably January, since it's my month of birth~


5.What character would you learn to write in Chinese that represents you?

I don't know, it could be shy, though.


6.If you could decide who to marry and stay with for life, who would you choose? Excluding all kpop singers or an artist in any country.

I don't know, That's a hard question....


7.Choose one person you hate the most. (You BETTER be reasonable. But if you choose your mom... And the way you explain it don't make sense. Good luck dealing with me...)

This one girl in class. She's really annoying. She steals other people's boyfriends, talks trash about people including her friends behind their back and spread rumors about them. She spread a rumor about me once last year, and I still haven't been able to clear it out to everyone.


8.You have the wish to talk to five deads. Who would you choose to talk to?

Maybe my ancestors, but then again I don't want to talk to dead people.


9.What would you do if the person you love the most commited suicide?

A lot of stuff, since they mean a lot to me.


10. Imagine yourself at the age of 80. Which three things would you want to see the most? Other than your parents of any kind.

Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.


11. Can you find me in this picture? (Probably not..But you can keep trying...)

Um... I guess the guy in the navy blue t shirt next to the wooden pole?


The people I'm tagging are (mianhe~~~ ><):

AriMin67, kawaiikuchi, BlingerDaisy, tankey, DOHyung, CKeh97, ChrissyJjang, AllRiseSaphireBlue, KeyStyled, kpOpChAnG, and Fluffykisses.


Okay, my questions are:

1.Have you read 10080 yet? If you did, what was your reaction? (If you haven't yet, READ IT!)

2.What's your favorite non-kpop group/artist?

3.Top 3 ships?

4.Exo or SHINee?

5. Favorite and least favorite seasons and months?

6.Your favorite story on aff.

7.First kpop group/artist? First kpop song?

8.Song listened to the most?

9.Do you watch anime? If you do, which one's your favorite?

10.Favorite genre of books to read?

11.Has anyone ever made fun of kpop in front of you? If yes, what did you do?

12. What's your biggest wish/dream?



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....... What the. REALLY?!?! Guy in the BLUE shirt? Well, hint is.. Im wearing green. AND Im only the LEFT side of the pole.