I don't trust anyone...... of my family members

I just want to ramble for a bit... if that's ok....


Well, guess what my daddy got fired up and said he will have MY laptop and MY phone in his hostage on mornings and i can only have my laptop when i get home from school and then he said of by the way, im changing you back to the smasung slide phone and now no surpise that im angry, crying and im sick of having to not lash out on him for some stupid respect pruposes like i wanna tell him EVERY SINGLE THING that i remember that he has done bad to me. But apparently i can't cause im not in the 'position' to like sorry for swearing but WHAT THE HELL??!!! If he wants to be mean well guess what, i can be twice as mean cause he doesnt normally see my mean side but over the past few days i think he deserves it. so no hello or bye bye and not a word from me. To bad i didn't want to do this but he damn deserves it and plus i wanna tell him that this is one of the reasons why i would much rather be training 8-14 hrs a day with back pain than to come home to him. This might sound like i hate him and you're right cause slowly during these years all i can remember is him slapping, punching and kicking me and EVERY happy memory went out the window and if i want to become a dancer thats my choice, he can give me advice but he can't control me and so guess what now i want to be a dancer or a K-pop idol more than i ever have and sometimes i feel like punching but then that would get me nowhere so... but the bottom line is that i have started to hate him even more and plus I tell him i have revised for the last 2 days for a maths test and he says well go revise even more and i wanna tell him ' You might have done that and even though im your daughter, i don't like academics much like you do and i dont excel in maths and science much like you do. What i want to do is dance and you already pushed my buttons when you decided to make a 'rule' that i can only dance an hour a day and then he says you cant use your phone until after you finished work and then he takes MY phone into hostage and then he decides to be mean to me well i can be just as mean and even more if you push me to and i dont care what happens cause i would absoulety NOT like to spend anytime with him anymore ok i just rambles but anyways and im still angry and have other things to say but i wont cause it would take a long time and sorry you had to read this but i cant tell anyone right now cause apparently my mummy can't keep shut when it is something she isnt meant to tell and so basically i dont trust anyone in my family right now and probably for a long time now.


That's the end of my ramble and as you can probably tell, I'm angry, crying and I don't trust my family members anymore. I thought that families were close... turns out i thoguht wrong. I only wished for some appreciation for my dancing but academics is everythign nowdays and my daddy is really academic so he wouldn't understand a damn about the meaning of dancing to me. He doesn't seem to get that  need to dance, that dancing is my life.


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Eunhae123689 #1
I know this is late and I barely know you, but I do know how you feel. I gave up in family a long time ago, now I'm 12 and still stuck with them. And family don't have to be related to you by blood. Family is where the heart is and if you don't feel they deserve your heart then they don't deserve to be called family.