Questionnaire Tag by SunnyChan

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.



Question 1: Do you have a pet?

Yes, I (or rather my family) have two absolutely adorable cats. XD I'm crazy about them, and allow them to sleep in my bed, which isn't the wisest thing to do...

Question 2: Many many friends or only a few best friends?

Definitely only a few best friends. I tried being friends with everyone around me and had to realize the hard way that this doesn't work out... So I'm happy with my few best friends, who I trust wholeheartedly and I love being around (although they can be damn annoying XD ) I LOVE YOU

Question 3: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

Oh, that's difficult.... I normally act more responsible and mature than my actual age... but sometimes I'm a real child and I enjoy being the maknae... So I guess maybe 23? Around that age.

Question 4: What do you like best about yourself? (Character only)

Honestly said, I really like that I'm quite self-confident by now. I had some severe self-esteem problems before, and now I love that I like myself.^^

Question 5: What do you like best about yourself? (now body)

Oh God, that's cruel... I don't know... I like the length of my legs. They're really long (simply because I'm ridiculously tall). Yep, I guess they're my favorite body part :D

Question 6: Which languages do you speak and which is your favorite?

Oh wow, here we go: I speak German (of course, since I'm from Germany), English, French, I learn Latin at school (though I don't speak it), I've got some basic knowledge of Chinese and know a little bit of Korean. My favorite... at the moment it's possibly English since I really like how you can express yourself in English. But if I'd be able to speak Korean fluently, it'd be definitely be Korean, since I simply love this language.

Question 7: Your all time favorite song?

Doesn't exist. No, seriously, my favorite song change so quickly, and I don't really know which song I should choose... I live "Losing my religion" by REM. And "Send me an angel" by Real Life. I don't feel like I have the right to choose a Kpop song, since I don't listen to this music for a long time already, so I guess those songs fit better. I love the 70s and 80s.

Question 8: Failing or never even trying?

Failing. If you don't even try, you'll never truly live.

Question 9: Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever experienced one if you do?

Yes, I believe in miracles, but no, I've never experienced one.

Question 10: Your happiest childhood memory?

... how long does "childhood" go? I was a really positive child and have some awesome memories, but if "childhood" includes the age of about 14, then it's definitely the point in my life at which I decided that being mainstream is dead broing and being an outsider nerd with only four friends is the most amazing thing ever. XD

Question 11: Do you know I know you know I think I know that you know that I think I know what you are thinking? ;P

So you think I know that you think you know that I think that I know that you think you know what I think? I don't think so ;D


My questions:

1. Do you have siblings?

2. If you could choose your home country (where you were born) which country would it be?

3. Main course or dessert?

4. Your favorite subject in school and the one you hate the most.

5. If you could live the life of someone or something else for one day, who or what would you be?

6. Your favorite Disney princess and the reason. XD

7. What is the very first song you remember listening to? (theme song is also allowed)

8. Many relationships to gain experience, or waiting for "the one"?

9. The sentence (said by some we-know-everything-better-adults) you hate hearing the most.

10. Korean dramas or veriety shows? Or both?

11. Why do you like listening to Korean music? (only ONE sentence!)


And I'm tagging:






The Narratress








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SunnyChan #1
Haha, die antwort auf die letzte frage war guut ^^ ich find solche tags cool xD
ayawani #2
I'm sorry,but i open aff using my mobile phone..
Can i use it to answer and forward this Questionnaire to the others??