Questionnaire Tag by 95anichan

Rule 1: Post the Rules

Rule 2: Answer the question the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3:Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4:Let them know you've tagged them.

So... I was tagged in this thing.

1. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
OMG totally Korea cause I'm like that~ I could meet my cousins for the first time :D Hm... I'd take any of my friends who want to go *cough* Thanie *cough*

2. Favourite month and why?
Hm... August, I guess. It's my birthday month and when I get to go to band camp and hang out with the friends that I haven't seen for a while :D


3. What are your favourite smells?
... I haven't thought about this until now... Hm... I guess fresh pine from the mountains XD I'm such a weirdo. Or mint (the plant) cause those smell so good after being watered~ 

4.Have you actually been in love? (ahem with someone who isnt an idol and family XD)
Not really. I'd had mild crushes, but I've never actually liked any of them enough to pursue them. I still haven't experienced that feeling we call "love."

5. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
More of an introvert...

6.Do you remember your first time reading ? How’d you react? :3
LOL I DO REMEMBER AND IT WAS JUST XD I was so embarrased the entire time and I had to stop like 5 times. Lol I only read it in the first place because the story was so good (I had been skipping all the ) and eventually I just got curious. Haha and then it was even weirder the first time I read slash o.o

7.What eye color do you find the iest?
A nice dark blue :D (with black hair omg that is hot)

8.Your worst day ever?
... Sorry I don't feel like explaining this one...

9.If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Hehe I could pretend to be an extremely selfless person and wish for world peace or something like that but no XD I would wish to be able to fight well. Learn to be a ninja :D And then I could protect my friends whenever I want to.

10.Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied anyone else?
I have been, but not much. But I think everyone has at one time or another. As for bullying someone else... I have, although not intentionally... I was trying to be sarcastic, but I guess I ended up hurting their feelings anyways...

11. What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life?

1. Which is your favorite band and why?

2. Do you have any weird hobbies?

3. Who is one person you can't live without?

4. What super power would you want?

5. How long has it been since you have read a legit book (with paper pages and stuff) just for fun?

6. How did you get into fanfiction?

7. First ever ship?

8. Do you watch any anime or read any manga?

9. What is your favorite fanfic to date?

10. Favorite class in school?

11. How strongly do feel feel about grammar in stories (meaning will you go crazy with little grammar errors or are you more tolerant?)?



1. kpopgorgeous 

2. BlasianAegyo

3. Kaosuhime

4. gidibuboo

5. nicolanyappy

6. daesungsgirl

7. Inquisitive_one

8. AnnaELF123

9. sohbet

10. tttham

11. FancyTuna




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