Role Plays


So today my friend introduce me to this website. it's like AFF but it's for roleplays! I'm still new to it. it does feel weird when you're a girl but you roleplay of a guy. hahaha and then when you talk to a roleplay girl and you'll like flirt with them. its like you're flirting with a girl hahaha yuri much. 

I'm still confused on how you use it. I'm still learning on it. hehe. for right now i have two roleplays. One was Jeon Jungkook (yeah its BTS <3) and then Yoogeun (the hello baby for SHINee) he's so cute!

For now i'm active for Jungkook, but Yoogeun ... hehe 

i don't really know Yoogeun and i don't watch hello baby SHINee yet. I probably will after this hehe. 

To be honest, it's fun but weird. I roleplay of a guy because my friend said that girl's roleplay has too many. but boys there's a few only so yeah. 

but EXO's roleplay only left two of the members? i think. I want to roleplay as Tao but yeah. the roleplay that i join, someone took Tao T-T huhu

haha but nevermind. there's still a loooooottttttttt of roleplays. ~ You guys should join too! <3 *winks*


p.s. sometimes it will crashed. sometimes it will say that the page is not found. yeah i know. its hurtful. so just reload :) and you'll be fine :D ENJOY!


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