Writing Problems and me saying sorry

Currently I managed to bruise the palm of my hand, its like a really dark purple/blue circle just underneath my middle finger, I kind of depend on my middle finger for Swearing, typing and just moving my hands a lot because of my wrists. I can hardly move my middle finger without a sharp pain going through the whole part of my hand, like seriously I attempted to catch a ball but my fingers bent back and I dropped the ball. I didn't even catch it properly.

Hopefully the bruise will go because seriously thats what I hope it is.

I also have about 2-3 bumps on my leg and a hell load of bruises, I tripped over a low table twice and me being tall, I was basically laying on the table crying my eyes out because I dropped my phone.

The pain wasnt there the pain was in my heart where I had dropped my phone. I love my phone too much to be honest.

I have a excuse, the house was dark and when I dont wear my glasses, everything is blurred and I can't even focus.

Also, if you see a lot of angst in my fics around the time of this week and next week, its just my anger and pissed off moods flowing into my writing. So if anyone dies in my fics, sorry.

I have a week off school and thursday and friday off but my addiction to video games and sleep comes in and pushed fanfiction out the way. Grand Theft Auto V is also a cause of what I have been doing with ruining my perfect fluff/good fics with a lot of angst.

I just feel upset all the time and when Im upset its not even there, it converts to like anger and I just, wow I'm going to go write a fic about someone falling in love then getting shot like 500 times with a shot gun then I'm gonna prance around in the fiery fields of hell as I watch people cry.


Yeah I'm not such a nice person when it comes to me being like that. If you get to know me, I feel sorry for you, I really do if you end up liking me. Oops? Yeah oops exactly, then again you can start to ignore me and never speak to me again and whenever you see me do anything you just cringe and want to regret even finding out my name. Its okay.

Im getting into detail about this whole friendship thing, but if you stopped being my friend without telling me I would probably just sleep it off and wake up, play video games then cry over fictional characters, because they wont leave me or ignore me.

I have problems.

This thingy paragraph was just something, I really needed to let this out. the bruise still hurts but I can be strong. I guess.



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