
do you guys know any site or some sort that provides writing prompts? i've been on a writer's block lately, and being all lazy doesn't help much either. plsplsplsplsplsplsplspls i'm desperate for your help plsssssssssssssss

wait can i just take a moment to appreciate the 2-week suspension of classes. no???? ok



rAUGhS bc forever rejoicing. /though eternally depressed about the fact that i've done utterly nothing at the end of the day/

but i can at least write if you give me prompts and w000w u can save a life





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If you want exo prompts you can check out or the prompt generator Good luck with your writer's block!
fervent #2
when i still wrote fanfictions,
i used to use
they have lovely prompts though the journal
has been dead for quite some time now.