I really want to join Ulzzhang contest on AFF

Can you guys tell me/give me the link of ulzzhang contests?? :D
I really want to join one of them..


Best Make-up



Best with glasses


Best Aegyo ??




Best natural



Best smile :D

(My student and I) ^^ he is lovely isnt he??


Ulzzhang contests are something like that, right ??



please tell me/give me some link of them guys..


here i give you pict of VJ Both n his boyfriend NewYear :D



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LeeJuLian #1
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about ulzzhang contests T_T
But I can say you're really pretty! Especially when you do aegyo, you're so cute! >u<
If you click ulzzhang or contest (tags) in this blog post, then select 'fanfiction', you'll be able to find them. Coz that is what I'll do to help you but I am not in front of my laptop, making linking, etc, really bothersome ^^