Depressing D:

I'm going to abuse this blog thing and let out everything that I've felt in the past twenty four hours. Yesterday, It was fairly normal, I was on my way to Elizabeth Town, Kentucky to drop my grandmother off with my grandfather so try could make the last leg back home to Ohio. The grandma that we had was my grandma on my mother's side. Well I fell asleep in the car and was woken up an hour later by my dad. He told me we were going all the way to Ohio because my grandmother on my dad's side has had a massive and things were not looking good. Keep in my that earlier this year, my grandfather on my dad's side had a heart attack and though he has returned home, he always has to be hooked up to an oxygen machine because not enough oxygen could reach his brain. So my grandmother was rushed to the state hospital since things were looking very grim. She had a MRI done and there is severe bleeding in the back of her head. Yet the amount of damage done is still undetermined. Yesterday was one of the worst days in my life, I swear I've never cried that much in my life and even today, the shaking hasn't gone down. If she was to die, everyone is expecting my grandfather to go into relapse and pass away. Things are going sour and I feel terrible and helpless as I see my grandmother lay in a hospital bed, looking frail and in all honesty like a ghost if her former self. Sorry for this blog...I just wanted Iget all of this out of my system.


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*hugs* I don't know what I can do :'( I feel awful sammi