BESTie - Love Options

You'll find the music video if you click [here]

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome to my review!

AFF and Thomas!

Oh, my god! THOMAS IS IN THE FUDGING HOUSE! Haha jk, that's not how I go, but yeah, I'm back. 8D

And my comeback is on BESTie's Love Options!

Ok, I just love these girls despite their shakin' in their first music video. When I first listened to them, I had to replay their song a couple times to let them sink in, or something. But yeah, I love these girls, and I think they have talent, especially U-Ji (the one with black hair/main vocalist).

Also, I love their dance on the 'do do do da do do', and that was what made me enjoy the music video the most. Since we're talking about their dances, they seem to end their dances with turning around. I don't even know why I typed that it, so, yeah, it was random. *awkward laugh*

"Keep calm cuz you're beautiful!" Oh, my gosh that I also enjoyed, because its true that every girl out there are beautiful.

And I think I said what I wanted to say, except that I totally would recommend this song to those who like kpop (Ashley, and me). 8D

So, yeah, that's it, I think. Sorry for it being so short (?) And unoriganized. BYE, SEE YOU AGAIN!


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I liked the lyrics, because man they are so true
The song itself though...It's nice but not my style where it sticks and I want to keep replaying it :3