13th Blog Post: I Feel Like I'm Getting My Early Birthday Present!! ^^

(This is a blog post that I've shared at onewcupoftae@tumbr>>>)


It's been a long time since I'm active at tumblr because of the nature of my job that makes me work 6days a week. Finally, I'm getting my ultimate chance to take a break and enjoying myself by going to Infinite's One Great Step Concert in Kuala Lumpur!

Here's a share of my experience:

19th October 2013, Saturday.

I went to Infinite's One Great Step Concert in Malaysia yesterday with my sister and it was awesome! It was like the best concert experience for me, except for those over loud sound system that cover up most of the Infinite's vocals (I think they strained their voice in this concert so much. I still managed to hear Sung Gyu, Woo Hyun and Hoya's voice as it is but not for the remaining members. Also, I saw Hoya signalling Sung Gyu the ear phones, hinting sound system?). On top of that, no photography (even though it's from hand phones!) Come on...and they even positioned some security ahjusshi to stare at the fans (make sure no photography) when we're watching the concert! Don't they know it's creepy and makes us uncomfortable? Argh!

It was raining when we reached there and all light sticks sold out...but I managed to get one..that might not be the official one but similar and I'm desperate to have one so never mind. Then, while waiting to get in I noticed some fans were giving out freebies and of course, I didn't let the opportunity slips away. With that, I get two beautiful photos of Sung Gyu and Woo Hyun a.k.a woogyu for free! Thank you so much! (http://sungkyuwoohyun-th.com). Love it!

After five hours of waiting and anticipation (some inspirit even stay overnight for one/two days to queue..wow.), we entered the stadium. We met a little hurdle to find our seat because they made the wrong sign at the wrong floor for our tickets! This cause us to run from up to left to right and finally goes down one floor to get to our seats. Excitement fills in me when we were seating in the stadium with all the Infinite MVs playing on the screen. I'm a bit disappointed with seating because it's too far from the stage even though we bought the most expensive tickets..but it was my idea to have a seated ticket so I sort of accepted my own destiny..

Finally, the concert started and the cheers from fans were great! (I can even heard some screaming from male inspirit, o'yeah~) I feel like I'm dreaming when I see actual, real Infinite appearing before my eyes.I find it's quite a struggle for them to speak in English and Bahasa Malaysia instead of their mother language but I appreciate their efforts.

I think Hoya speaks the best English because I can hear his words quite clearly (Dong Woo why can't I get what you're saying? T.T) As for Woo Hyun, he interacts the most with the fans by throwing hearts to fans from all sides and Sung Jong with the most aegyo. He basically made some cute/cool pose after he finished his speech such as tilting his head to a side, wink and smile. As for L, he's quiet as usual but I can see the fans love it even though he just stares at them. Well, that's his charm right? Meanwhile, Dong Woo has the most energy from beginning till the end. You can almost never see him standing still. Whenever he's talking or other member is talking, he will always moving around/dancing to his own beats, responding to the talks or entertaining the fans. Jang Dong Woo, jjang!

Okay, two members left and that is my sister's bias Sung Yeol and mine, Sung Kyu. Sung Yeol first, we can't believe him for wearing the Scream mask (given by a fan) that totally cover all of his face for quite a long time. Lol, choding enough for him. XD

Finally Sung Kyu! It may sound cheesy but he looks dreamy..kkk. And did I mention I'm wearing a handmade cap with reflected 'kyu zizi'' words? (thank you my sis! ^^) When he's singing ...(too happy to remember the title of the song), he's facing the crowd at my direction and we saw him smiled. I know everyone will think idols saw them in concerts and that's what I'm telling myself at that time BUT a miracle happened. After that, they sang another song (that again I don't remember), they started to toss soft toys to fans! Omg, I'm shouting in my mind but sadden with distance between us. I'm pretty sure no toys will reach to my hands but again, I'm wronged. At first my eyes on Sung Yeol because he kissed the toys before throw it to fans..wow! Then, I noticed Sung Kyu is slowly walking to my direction before he stands right in front of me..and..and having eye contacts with me?! That's what I'm thinking when he threw a bear (but it turns out to be a monkey) to me!! I think I'm too mesmerized with Sung Kyu that I didn't realized a few fans were standing next to me(which mean competition!). Upon realizing, I stood up and spread out my hands to grab on it and I did it!!! Omg, I actually received a soft toy straight from Sung Kyu's hands! <33333 Well, two things about Sung Kyu proved today. First - he might have tiny eyes but his vision is good and second - he might be called grandpa gyu by everyone but he's can certainly do a firm and straight throw from a distance..lol. There's one more thing about Sung Kyu that happened when they are going to give 'thank you' speech to fans..I'm pretty sure I heard him said 'first of all' in Korean before he swiftly changed to speak in English and it's cute. Last but not least, I'm really enjoying his '60 seconds' solo performance which I'm listening with my eyes closed. Wow, it's the best. Chaego! 

Well, I think every fans will have the same feeling and that is when you're waiting in the line, you hope times will go faster but when the show reaches the end...you hope the time will move slower or better still, reverse the time. Right? =D

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with all the experiences I gain. Oops, look at the time, gonna head to bed now with kyu zizi the pink monkey..ZZZzzz..bye guys! Thanks for reading!


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