AFF Friends Survey 2013

AFF Friends Survey 2013 (Stolen from YatLuvG)


★ Name: Emma-Kate / Chr0meHearts

★ Friends:25 >u<

★ People on Your Wall? (recent posts)

»  annisayoontaec
»  ConfessionToShishus


★ How Close Are You to Them?

annisayoontaec is, as far as I am aware, a very lovely person! Whilst I am not very close to them, I am very thankful that they have taken the time out to read a story of mine, and write on my wall~

ConfessionToShishus I am also, unfortunately not very close to. However, what I can say about them is that they have one absolutely fantastic Chen story.

SongEunKi. Katie. Where do I begin? She is probably the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of talking to! We have been friends for well over a year, and have been talking well before AFF. Even though she lives all the way in Canada, my wonderful dongsaeng always knows what to say whenever I am feeling down, or need to smile. I love my dongsaeng very much and don't think I'd be anything like I am today without her influence.


★ Recent People You’ve Friended: (list 3)

Um. Here's the dealio. I'm usually too awkward to friend people, so this one is going to be hard.

» Jessibatches
» SongEunKi


★ Why’d you friend them?

Jessibatches - Oh, Jessicuh and I go way back. Back in the days of Quizilla, we would leave secret journal posts in each others' journals, and fangirl all about Vampire Knight and Prince of Tennis. As such, we became friends due to the fanfiction we would write. When we added each other on facebook, we would just talk about the randomest of things. c: I friended her when she told me that she had made an account on here~ Mehehe~^^

SongEunKi - She's my wonderful, amazing dongsaeng. We write/wrote kpop scenarios together on Tumblr (kkpopscenarios), so when she made an account on here, of course I had to add her. I'd be a horrible Unnie if I didn't. xD

Constellation - She plays/ed a game called My Candy Love in which I stalked the fanfiction she posted on there. When I requested a Bang Yongguk scenario, she told me she had an account on here, so I added her~^^


★ People you want to be friend with?



★ Why haven’t you friended them?

There's a long story about this one. We used to be really good friends, meeting on Quizilla. She had written the most amazing Prince of Tennis story I had ever read, and had listed her MSN account. (Back in the day! Aha!) And so, I added her. And we taked for a long time after that. Then, and I'm not exactly sure how, my contacts were wiped and she had removed her MSN account long beforehand on her account page. So, I couldn't refriend her. Then, I got a new email, which didn't really help.


I was reading an amazing story on here and saw a beautiful poster. The credit for the poster was D3stinyx and I had a little internal fangirl moment. I have added her, but she has declined my request, because, let's face it - it's always a tad weird when someone you've never spoken to before (or, so you think) tries adding you. In a way, that makes me happy. I'm not sure what I would say should she have accepted. "Oh, hi! I was your friend six years ago! Sorry for disappearing on you!"



★ Who has recently added you? (list 3)


YatLuvG, maccas, 0UwU0L


★ Have you talked to them? 

Two of the three, yes!

YatLuvG makes the most gorgeous posters I have ever seen on this website. I was lucky enough to request a poster for my story KAIROS and, due to subscribing to her store, I was alerted whenever she would post something. And, to be perfectly honest, they're too beautiful to not comment on. *w*

maccas, I have indeed talked to - but not on AFF before. Instead, I have spoken to her on a site called My Candy Love where she informed me that she had added me. c:

0UwU0L, I have not actually spoken to.

★ Out of all your friends, how many do you talk to?

This is a difficult question. OTL. Out of hundreds of them, maybe less than 10? -----I'm so going to sort out my friends list soon. >___<


★ Who are your closest friends?

SongEunKi, jessibatches


★ Why?

Katie is quite possibly the most amazing person I have ever met online. She is my French-Canadian fangirling buddy and, after I sent her a list of kpop songs (of which she accidentally attached to the bottom of a story before posting it. LOL), she became my fangirling, Block-B, B.A.P, Infinite, BTS obsessed dongsaeng of who I love very much!~ ^^ She is also a famous photographer. Just saying. ("All my friends are dead." Ahahaha~)

Jessicuhhhh is another wonderful online friend of mine. We've known each other for so long and, well, it has just been so brilliant knowing her. She's hilarious, and squid-dy. (Was that an in-joke? I'm sorreh, Jessicuh~ I just invited myself into it xD) and actually uses the Australian slang I have taught her! (Ranga, kekekeke~)


★ Who would you like to be closer to?

Um. YatLuvG~

★ Why?

She is just so cool, and beyond the sweetest person ever~ ^^
I get so excited whenever I see a story update from her, and I get so excited whenever she replies to my poster-fangirling posts.

★ Who’s one of the users that you’ve had the longest conversation with?

My dongsaeng, SongEunKi. It's really quite impossible to go a single day without talking to her.
Oh, wow. That was just ...
I'm done.
I'll stop creeping you out now, aha~


★ Any special messages to your friends?

Thank you for friending me if you have. Thank you for talking to me whenever you have found the time. Thank you for reading whatever I post.
These three things have kept me continuously coming back to this site, and it is because of these things that I have loved every moment of being on here.
So, once again - thank you. <3


★ Tag your peeps! 

Anybody? Everybody? It's your call~




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Ok, not to be a creep or anything, but I kind of found this and I was like "Awwwwwwww~" /throw a lot of hearts to you/
Not everyone announced that they want to be closer to me. hahahaha. You're so adorb! >////<
You know you can always say hi to me in my wall. I might reply late, but that's not because I don't like you, I'm just simply like that. heol. I'm too lazy and busy and all the other lame thing. hahaha.

oh gosh... I just noticed that the date read "Oct 19, 2013" JUST HOW THE HECK I'M ONLY READING THIS NOW??? O.O
Welp. No mention of me here. The I guess I'll just stuff my face in a pillow and cry myself to sleep... *HINT HINT*

Jay kay.