My Cannibal Heart Interview is Finally Going Up!

I interviewed Cannibal Heart almost a month ago -_- It is JUST going up today. I've been really busy with college and trying to find a job, so that is what's up. Also, I sent in questions to BBF (Boys Before Friends) and I hope they get back to me soon! 


I'm almost done writing up the interview and it should be up before noon. I DID have screenshots of the band, but guess who cleaned out her computer without taking the screenshots and saving them somewhere online first? Yeah, me. >_> That was well worth the technical difficulties /._./ I couldn't even record them because my equipment malfunctioned, I didn't know Skype blocked recording software so that you would have to buy theirs, and its late T^T fml. 


For what its worth, the members of Cannibal Heart are genuinely nice people and great to talk to. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and was grateful that they were willing to talk to me. I'll post a link to the interview once I'm finished. 




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