Do you know me? (stole it from ReowesomeShikshin)

Hair colour (original):


Hair colour (now):

brown (lighter)


Eye color:

-Dark brown


Skin color:

A heap loads of tan lines due to the aussie sun.


Most favourable facial feature:

-idk. i guess my eyes look black until you shine light onto it.


Most disliked facial feauture:

I dont really mind anything.



163cm? i measured it like half a year ago.


Body type:

- fat?





- My real name is Catherine :P classic name. Guess my last name. I'm viet.



- 13 years old nearly 14. just november



- viet chinese. I'm more chinese


Country of Origin:

- Australia


Current location:

- Home. (suppose to do hw :(


Favorite colours:

- Black and white and green. I like classic colours and green is from how i like turtles.


Favorite animal:

- rabbit and birds. (most typees of bird, I hate crows though.



- Sone and bana


20 random questions


Summer or winter?

- I like spring more but I guess summer,


Do you have a special talent:

- I have a habit of learn sports extrememly quickly.? does that count?


Do you think you're a strong person?

Well not really. I have to drink chinese medicene cause im quite weak but I can lift stuff physically.


What are your phobias?

- Not much actually. I wont say this is a phobia but I really hate people who complain a lot.


When do you feel the most calm?

-When I'm writing in my book of stuff.


What inspires you?

- Well I played basketball with a monkey and I guess that inspried me to play basketball but my friend inspired me to play badminton. I LOVE YOU THANKS FOR INTRODUCING ME TO BADMINTION! (if you are reading this)


What do you dislike about yourself?

- How I open the fridge and something falls out. My luck I dont like the most.


What are your top three favorite colors?

- Black, white and green. I think I explained this before.


What are your hobbies?

- Writing in my book of stuff and running around the house cause i hate keeping still.


What is your favorite subject?

- Well. I would say religon cause my teacher so far is awesome and its interesting.


What are three of your current favorite songs?

- Baby goodnight(B1A4), Ending Page (FX) and Tried to walk (B1A4)


What is your favorite day of the week?

-Any day that keeps me away from school......


How would you describe your current mood?

-Idk im sitting here filling out this thing. I guess bored.


What are your future goals?

- Study interior design and design inside of my house


What artists do you like?

- B1A4, Girls' Generation and F(x)


If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- I wouldn't go back. Cause i dont like back then.


What is your favorite month?

- November. cause its my friends birthday. A very special friend. :P


Do you believe in love?

-Depends, my friend is hatiing it right now and i dont like it in someways as well.


What is a saying/quote that you live by?

- Don't do what you dont like. (i made this myself.)


Last beverage

- Black Sesame Milk Tea


Last text message

- Registration.


Last song you listened to:

- 60sec by kim sungkyu


Last time you cried:

Last night. Sad stories easily get to me.


Ever got back with someone you've been with before?

- I never got with anyone... Im only 13. Still hasn't kissed anyone.


Ever been cheated on?

- as I said. I'm only 13


Ever kissed someone and regretted it?



Ever lost someone special

- Yes my grandma.


Ever been depressed?

Yes I have.

This year have you...


Made a new friend?

- Nope. Stuck with the old people I knew.


Met someone that changed you?

- Yes. My special friend made me gay.... I don't regret it though.


Do you want to change your name?

- Nope. I like classic names. :D


What can't you wait for?

For the end of school.


What were you doing at midnight last night?

I was sleeping. I'm a good girl I sleep early ;)

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- 4 hours ago


What is the webpage you visit the most

- asianfanfic, Mangahere.


What is your relationship status?

- I'm single.


What do you worry about the most?

- My friend. You are awesome don't be sad! :D


First surgery?

- never got one.


First piercing?

- Since I was born. Never remember getting it.


First sport you joined?

- Table tennis. Loved it. and still do.


Do you want kids?

- Well i dont know. I guess?


Do you want to get married?

- Now that australia just confirmed gay marriage. maybe yea. I think they comfirmed it, if i heard the news right.


What career do you want?

- Interior desinger or psycholoigist.


Ideal type...

Idk, I already have a girl I like.



- Female


Older or younger?

- Well the girl is two years older but I really dont mind.


Shorter or taller?

-Shorter! Well she is already short....


Romantic or spontaneous?

- Idk. Haven't thought about it.


Appearence or personality ?

- personality but I don't mind her having appearance as well.


What is one thing you don't know about me?

-I like turtles.


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Wow, you are 13 now? cx ur posters are cool coughistalkyewcough
A lot people stole these questions from me ^_^'