
Shin Dongho of Ultimate bias whom I have loved since Ukisses debut back in 2008 has announced he is leaving the band and no longer wants the life of an idol. I am heartbroken. I've cried a lot tonight. But I know his health has been bad lately and I know it's what he wants. So as long as he's happy and healthy I will be happy for him. I'll support any decisions he makes and he'll always have a very large piece of my heart.


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i was almost crying when i found out! which was awkward since i was on a bus reading on my phone, pretty sure everyone thought i was insane :P but i respect his decision, apparently his health has gotten pretty bad so it's for the best that he takes a break from being an idol.
giracrystal #2
omg are you serious???
PetShawal #3
Are you screwing with me right now? Cause if this is a joke, I'm not laughing.