Get To Know This Person xD

Got this from Annyong xD 
I have already given up on maths, so why not. And tomorrow is the last exam....




Hair colour; dark-brown to the extend that you can only see that it's brown in the sunlight xD

Eye colour; dark brown.

Skin colour; Tannedish xD 


Most favourable facial feature;

Eyes, they have a funny shape xD


Most disliked facial feature;

Nose, it's big OTL



Last time I checked, 173 cm 



Last time I checked, 56 kg 





Name; Kaman

Age; 17 

Nationality; Malaysian-chinese? 

Country of origin; The Netherlands (don't lie to me yahoo answers) 

Current location; The Netherlands

Favorite color; Black, white, red, blue, green, aqua

Favorite animal; White tiger, fox, sloth, monkey

Fandoms; Quite a lot lol 



                                                      20 Random Questions


-Summer or winter?


-Do you have a special talent?


-Do you think you're a strong person?

      Physically no, mentally better than my physical state. 

-What are your phobias?

     Afraid of heights and flying insects e___e

-When do you feel the most calm?

     While sleeping XD No, almost always xD

-What inspires you?

        Everything. OPEN YOUR EYES GUYS!

-What do you dislike about yourself?

       I give too less about people's feelings and I am quite short-tempered. 

-What are your hobbies?

       Making graphics, reading, writing, drawing, coding, eating, sleeping, watching movies and trying new things.

-What is your favorite subject?

        Atm, none and all. I can get interested in anything xD (except for maths) 

-What are three of your current favorite songs?

        Magokoro by Choshinsei, Lonelier than lonely by Arron Yan and Coffee Shop by B.A.P

-What is your favorite day of the week?

      Wednesday: short day and Criminal Minds on TV xD 

-How would you describe your current mood?

     I feel tired.

-What are your future goals?

      Live a happy life lol.

-What kpop artists do you like?

      A lot xD The list keeps getting longer and longer, especially with all those new groups all the time. 

-If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

       If I could go back to now afterwards, I would go to the time of the ancient Greeks. I've always wanted to know how it looked like. 

-What artists do you dislike?

       Let's not talk about that. 

-What is your favorite month?

       April e u e

-Do you believe in love?

        Not really. 

-What is a saying/quote you live by?

       Live for yourself, not for another or something like that. I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like that. 

-Last beverage?

       Water ftw~

-Last text message?

      "Go and study." xD 

-Last song you listened to?

       Just You by Arron Yan. 

-Last time you cried?

       Last week, it was a very touching scene! 

-Ever got back with someone you've been with before?


-Ever been cheated on?


-Ever kissed someone and regretted it?


-Ever lost someone special?


-Ever been depressed?

        I don't think so. I don't think that I was really depressed, more tired of school xD 



                                      This year have you...


-Made a new friend?

       I have no idea xD

-Met someone that changed you?


-Do you wanna change your name?


-What can't you wait for?


-What were you doing at midnight last night?

     Eating yogurt, studying and sleeping. 

-When was the last time you saw your mother?

     ... she is sitting behind me playing candy crush xD 

-What is the webpage you visit the most?

      Google drive, tumblr, youtube, outlook and aff. 

-What is your relationship status?

      I am in this very strong relationship with the internet. 

-What do you worry about the most?

      Nothing actually xD I have already given up maths :D 

-First surgery?


-First piercing?


-First sport you joined?

      Swimming or dancing, I don't remember, but both didn't last for long xD

-Do you want kids?


-Do you wanna get married?


-What career do you want?

     I don't know. I have always wanted to be a doctor without borders, but I don't know whether I will succeed in it. 



                                      Ideal type...




Older or younger?

     I don't really care about age as long he is not too old or too young xD 

Shorter or taller?

     This doesn't matter to me either xD

Romantic or spontaneous?

     Spontaneous: I like random stuff!


      Doesn't matter either. 

Lips or eyes?


Appearance or personality?

     Personality: someone with whom I can laugh and someone I feel comfortable around. About appearance: after a while I will find the flaws of a good-looking person or the good points of someone who hasn't divine looks xD So yeah... appearance is really not a big deal to me. However, having good looks gives a better first impression tbh xD 


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