Get To Know The Author, SheaLovesYou *STOLEN from hanel-gateun!

I'm am sorry if you hate these things, but I truly enjoy that weird?


Hair colour: Dark Brwon

Eye colour: Hazel:Forest green with a brown center.

Skin colour: Light(White...very white)

Most favourable facial feature: EYES!

Most disliked facial feature: .....I don't have one?

Height: 5ft....152cm

Body type: Chunky? 198LB (don't complain, and yes I am quiet happy with how I look)



Name: Courtney....Shea!

Age: 18

Nationality: American (MERICA)

Country of origin: .....Well I'm a mixture of French,Indian...and very little to almost non Irish and German

Current location: Alabama,USA (I'm southern baby)

Favourite colour: Yellow!

Favourite animal: horse/repitles/girraffes 

Fandom: Uhh.....Exo...Inspirit...Kissme...LC9...BoysRepublic...and whole lot more


20 Random Questions

Summer or Winter?

Winter (the cold oh how I thy)

Do you have a special talent?

Singing,playing instruments

Do you think you are a strong person?

sometimes...and how...physicaly yes, I have done MMA (mixed martial arts) but mentally (I don't know)

What are your phobias?

Spiders....oh god....Dying in the shower(...I have always feared it) and going over bridges (I'm working on that)

When do you feel most calm?

When I am focused on something, like working on a puzzle or writing

What inspires you?

LIfe, getting over a hard bump in the road, and my story. 

What do you dislike about yourself?

My lack of descripition, I'm working on it I promise

What are your top three favourite colours?


What are your hobbies?

Writing, drawing, READING,teaching my dog (Chili) 

What is your favourite subject?


What are three of your current favourite songs?

Can U Smile -Infinite

Rollin Rollin-AA(Double A)

and Midnight Taxi- AA (Double A)

What is your favourite day of the week?


How would you describe your current mood?


What are your future goals?

To have job, and own a lot of horses, and maybe have a man 

What artists do you like?

Music: I love all, including, chinese traditonal, folk music

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

The 20's

Which artists do you dislike?

.......Tiffany from GG...she just rubs me the wrong way

What is your favourite month?


Do you believe in love?


What is a saying/quote that you live by?

Don't regret anything!

Last beverage


Last text message


Last song you listened to

....Colt 45-Afroman

Last time you cried?

....couple days ago...I don't remember why though

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

yup...I don't recommend it

Ever been cheated on?


Ever kissed someone and regretted it?


Ever lost someone special?


Ever been depressed?


This year have you…

Made a new friend?


Met someone that changed you?



Do you want to change your name?


What can’t you wait for?


What were you doing at midnight last night?

Doing a puzzle with my mom

When was the last time you saw your mother?

uh earlier...she is sleeping

What is the webpage you visit the most?

YouTube, Tumblr, AFF, Zynga,Horseisle,Chickensmoothie

What is your relationship status?

Single and reading to bingo

What do you worry over the most?

not finding a job

First surgery?

Tonsils removed

First piercing?

Ear lobes when I was 3 months old....thanks mom

First sport you joined?

...uh T-ball....or Gymnastics

Do you want kids?


Do you want to get married?


What career do you want?

Massage Therapist


Ideal type…



Older or younger?


Shorter or taller?

Taller LOL which is not hard

Romantic or spontaneous?



not racist....LOL but It probably won't be a black person...I'm just not attracted to them....alough there are always exceptions....the rock.........

Lips or eyes?


Appearance or personality?

25% looks 75% personality

To my readers:

I love you all, and I apolozige for my at detail...still love me? 

What is something you don’t know about me?

....I own a Ford Focus?




Feel free to steal this, no credit necessary! ^^ 


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lovidovi #1
I can't wait for Christmas too!
Btw, I notice that you like blogging stuffs like this. It's fun!
You don't like Tiffany? I don't really dislike her though but I kinda understand that people can get 'that vibe' from her though, lol.
and yeah, I miss you! And chilli! I wanna see your dog :)
kei_baobei #2
what is ford focus btw? XD