Get To Know Your Author

Credits to: KibummieWaifu 



Hair colour:

- Dark Brown

Eye colour:

- Blue/Green/Grey - changes a lot ;3

Skin colour:

- Pale

Most favourable facial feature:

- Eyes

Most disliked facial feature:

- Um... nose? maybe?


- God if i knew um... maybe about 5'3? 5'4?




- Ashe




- Scottish

Country of origin:

- Scotland !

Current location:

- Scotland... xD

Favourite colour:

- Eh, im quite impressed by Lime green ;3

Favourite animal:

- Pandas? Cats?


- Hottest; Baby; KissMe; B2uty; VIP; Exotic


20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter?

- Summer! Even though it gets way too hot.

Do you have a special talent?

- I can play the guitar, self taught for 7 years now ^^

Do you think you are a strong person?

- Eh... depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

What are your phobias?

- Arachnophobia, Trypophobia

When do you feel most calm?

- Listening to music.

What inspires you?

- Everything around me! Movies, music, books, my life.

What do you dislike about yourself?

- Eh my hair is way too curly and messy ¬¬

What are your top three favourite colours?

- Lime Green, turqouise, gold

What are your hobbies?

- Writing (obv), chatting, playing the guitar, playing LOTS of video games.

What is your favourite subject?

- Psychology! Or Politics :3

What are three of your current favourite songs?

- Hurricane by B.A.P, Let's Go by Calvin Harris and Hyde by Vixx

What is your favourite day of the week?

- Wednesdays cuz I have that day off :P

How would you describe your current mood?

- Tired, but extremely happy! (and a little stressed)

What are your future goals?

- To become a neuropsychologist, become successful and be able to provide amazing things for my family.

What artists do you like?

- 2PM, B.A.P, Bruno Mars, UKISS the list is endless.

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

- I'd go back to the 70s, I want to see what it was like when my parents were growing up :)

Which artists do you dislike?

- 2ne1, Miley Cyrus (-__-), most girl groups, actually, except Secret, i have a girl crush on them. Um for male artists... (sister will hate me) BTS,  JYJ (i love the guys and they are great singers, but just the genre of the band is not for me)

What is your favourite month?

- Hmm, April? Good month.

Do you believe in love?

- Possibly, I'm very scepticle. 

What is a saying/quote that you live by?

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”

Last beverage:

- Pina Colada

Last text message:

- To Elisha : Where are you? 

Last song you listened to:

- Papa Roach's 'Hollywood '

Last time you cried

- Last night - I was watching a teary movie!

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?

- Um no, I haven't.

Ever been cheated on?

- God I hope not. But no :P

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

- Aha yes.

Ever lost someone special?

- I have.

Ever been depressed?

- Once, but I got passed it.


This year have you…

Made a new friend?

- Too many! That's the good thing about being here at University :3

Met someone that changed you?

- I believe so.

Do you want to change your name?

- Maybe, but probably not.

What can’t you wait for?


What were you doing at midnight last night?

- I was doing a politics essay. Until 2am!

When was the last time you saw your mother?

- 2 weeks ago.

What is the webpage you visit the most?

- AFF and Facebook.

What is your relationship status?

- In a relationship with a fantastic guy :3

What do you worry over the most?

- Money, success, my parents.

First surgery?

- None!

First piercing?

- Ears when I was like 3/4.

First sport you joined?

- Bandminton! I was crowned the best player in the school at my primary ;3

Do you want kids?

- I do, but later in life when my life is completely sorted out so i can spoil them and give them the life they deserve.

Do you want to get married?

- Uh-huh I do.

What career do you want?

- Neuropsychologist.


Ideal type…


- Male

Older or younger?

- Older.

Shorter or taller?

- Taller.

Romantic or spontaneous?

- Hmm, probably more nearing Romantic :)


- Anything! I don't mind :)

Lips or eyes?

- Eyes.. ;3

Appearance or personality?

- Both, mostly personality of course, that's just the way I am.


I've not done one of these things for ages!
And now you know more about me!
So yeah:3 Please feel free to ask any questions ^^



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eunhaekaisooftw #1
ohgoddd just got to know u then :) we're kinda similar in some ways but hey every person has different opinion . I wonder what would happen if we met because your ideal type , your fav subject and some others are quite similar with mine >,<
awww I wanna do this~ I feel like we just became closer. I bet you're absolutely gorgeous! ♥
Thank you for posting this, you're my favorite ^^ I wanna post mine but maybe people just won't be interested in my life ;;
Aww, you're so short. lol And YAY for being Scottish!
But it's nice to know a few more things about you - you're still awesome, I might add. =)
And I hope you get everything you want in life.
YOU'RE SCOTTISH?!?! That's awesome!! I have Scottish in heritage!
denci68 #6
Thank you. It's interesting to know more about your personality , not just through your stories, but directly.
why are you 18 and you are in university?
Uwaah you changed your username! Waah! Nice, i learned something about you haha
ugh im still not used to ur new username..hihi