Screw this Thanksgiving. Excuse me while I go cry.

All right. So, it's Thanksgiving and all, so it should be a happy, good day, right? HA. Well, with this family of mine, you never know what kind of things will happen. Everything was going pretty good at first. We were all having a good time, playing a game together, talking and such. Then we start to eat. Well, SOMEONE decided to turn into a real . Seriously, buddy. WTF? It was a good day until YOU ruined it. I can't even begin to tell you how pissed off I've been for the past 4 hours or so. 

The dirty looks, the smartass comments, the everything.


And what started it? My aunt brought up the fact that I don't have my license yet. Guess what? I don't want it right now, leave me alone. So many people have asked me about it and I'm sick of it. So take a wild guess who ruined my day.... My dad. Awesome. He was like, "Yeah, Jayme. Why don't you get it? Hmm? I think you should." Why won't I? Cause I don't want it right now. Bish, I don't even have my permit, yet. THEN I say something about him spilling the salt and pepper all over the table. What happens? MORE COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I NEED TO SHUT UP AND QUIT TALKING. So, I stop talking.


My mom is like, "Why won't you talk? Don't be grumpy." Why won't I talk, mom? Your husband doesn't enjoy it when I talk. That's why. I wasn't trying to be grumpy and I tried to let it go, but it kept adding on.

What else happened?

My cousin, grandma and I were talking about Kpop and what I want to be when I grow up.

He walks in.

"You're talking about that again? Let it go. You won't live with those damn Asians." 

Guess what you're getting for Christmas, dad. A HUGE middle finger with a side of leave me the alone.

I will be what I want to be. I will do the things I want to do. AND I will talk about Kpop all I want because I love it and I don't care what you say.

My grandpa also told me to stop listening to it. 

My family isn't so supportive. You have no idea how much that hurts. Would it kill you guys to at least ACT supportive? Thanks family. Thank you SO much for telling me I can't succeed in my future plans and thank you for being so negative about the music I listen to.

I don't bash on you guys for listening to the music you listen to. 

Just because I like something COMPLETELY different from what you all like, doesn't mean you have to start being hateful and all of this. I'm sick of it.






On the plus side. Pumpkin pie is the best thing I've ever had in my life.


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Pumpkin pie?! I've never tried it...^^" It looks delicious, though :)
Is the pumpkin made into jelly? What ingredients go into the pie? I'm very curious...I've never seen any in Hong Kong before; I think some restaurants might have it, but none that I've been to, yet ^^
I don't have my license and I'm 18 ^^" We don't really need to drive in Hong Kong, so I probably never will get one... ^^'
There's unfortunately loads of situations in which parents don't support their children's interests, which is sad... but your grandma and your cousin are okay with kpop, are they?
Well, technically, you're already with "us Asians" on this website, so your dad is wrong about that ^^ It's unfair to have to do so, but it may be a better idea to not discuss kpop with your family, just to avoid creating conflict. Maybe when you're a bit older, it will be possible to discuss it and maybe even find a way to have your parents view Asia in a more positive light. :) Don't lose hope- there are lots of people who manage to have intercultural relations- in fact, even America does, every day on an international level!! ^^ I think for your family, it's not so much a music thing- it's just that it's music that comes from a different culture. I don't mean to offend you, but I find that there is a lot of racism towards asian people, latin american people and black people that is still prevalent in America. Because your father and grandfather are from older generations, it might be difficult for them to be receptive to things that are culturally new. I think the correct term for being "pro-American" is "right-wing"? That's probably the way that they were raised. It's hard to understand why someone isn't being accepting about something, but also important to understad where that person is coming from. Your dad and grandpa might be from a background that wasn't very culturally exposed, and had lots of ideals about Caucasian supremacy. Maybe one day, you can find a documentary regarding detrimental effects of not being accepting of other cultures and show it to them- often, I find that historical documents are the most poignant and effective in getting such a point across. It might not change their perspective, but it might make them more compassionate. <3
>.< i don't talk to my family about kpop and stuff for the same reason. i KNOW they wouldn't approve of it, so i don't bother. my mom's really supportive though. stick it through the hard times, love, because you'll get all the good things you deserve. and no worries...i have my permit and hate driving ;) i get yelled at for not driving enough aha