U.S. Government Shutdown (Information + I need to rant)

I just need to rant because no one will listen to a seventeen year old. If you aren't old enough to vote, no one will listen to you.
So I figured I'd speak here.

Over a week ago, our government shut down because of the republicans in Congress having a temper tantrum over something THEY passed. They're trying to get rid of it, but LEGALLY, they cannot. It's a law. They can't remove it. Their excuse: Obamacare is hurting the economy. Obama care did not go into affect until AFTER the government shutdown because that's when people actually started getting into it.

For anyone who doesn't know what Obamacare is, I'll fill you in. Insurance companies are greedy. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, they either will not accept you or will force you to pay insanely high rates. Obamacare takes away their power to do that. Meaning, insurance companies can no longer deny someone because of health problems or make them pay high rates. So, pretty much, it helps a LOT of people, especially poor people (like me, although I'm not involved with Obamacare).


Like I said, the shutdown is because of congress having a hissy fit. But everyone is blaming Obama for it WHEN Obama was the one trying to stop the shutdown and prevent it. People blame him simply because he is a democrat (a lot of Americans are also like this because of his race). If it has his name in it, then a lot of people think automatically: "It's bad! I should hate this and be against it!"

To prove this: A week or two ago, Jimmy Kimmel did a segment where a camera crew went onto the street and asked people "Which do you prefer: Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act?" Let me fill you in: They're both the same thing! "Obamacare" is just a nickname for it because it was put into place during Obama's term as president. The people he asked all said they'd side with the Affordable Care Act. Half of them didn't even know what the ACA was but still gave reasons why they prefered it over Obamacare.

It has Obama's name in it and the government decides it's bad, so they just automatically decide to go against it without knowing literally ANYTHING about it.

Everyone talking and involved in this shut down is the same way: They don't know what they're doing, they just want their way and to make our president look bad.

Really, they're just making themselves look bad.

Dear Congress,
Get off your , fix the damn government, give the government workers the money they deserve, AND STOP BEING CHILDREN.

We'd be better off with fourth graders running our country.



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