SHINee-Everything about Everybody

 Itsa me, Mario! Woo Hooo!






 Naw, I'm just kidding. Howdy guys, it's Istolethedevilsglare here with a blog post~

I actually didn't know about this function very well, so I've never wanted to use it.


 SHINee came out with a new single - Everybody. I think that it is wonderful! It's catchy, flashy, and just, very much like their style.

  Now, I don't understand the lyrics, but guessing from the video and the title, I think that it's about how everyone has a difference from each other, how everyone is never the same and always different.

 Since I don't think I can go describe the video very well by myself, I think that you should really go and listen/watch it. I sincerly believe it has a good meaning behind the bright lights and amazing dancing that has probably every SHAWOL hooked.

 So their dancing.... great as always, I think that the way they (SPOILER!!!) become dolls and wind-up toys is really cool, they make it seem so much more real.

 Uhm, what else................................................. Their LOOKS! OMFG!!! The military style! I mean, It's similar to the Why So Serious album, and I guess it's contradicting to the actual song's theme, but... it looks so good on them! *Hides away in corner*

  Starting with our youngest, Taemin! He is very much shirtless throughout some of the video, and I think that it adds to his "manliness"  that I think he's trying to portray. His hair is now darker, and maybe with a slightly different cut, but of course, I like it. I personally think that the SHINee members look best with darker hair, but they pull off the brighter colors somehow anyways. Damn Biases.

Next, the Almighty Key! His look is very fashionable (as always) and again, as always, it looks good on him. His hair is draker now too, and in some shots of the video, he has like this little tail on the back of his head. I don't think I like it very much to be honest. I believe that they all look best with they have that sorta longish short hair.The kind thats slightly long for guys face. They also look good with longer bangs in my opinion.

Now for Jonghyun! So his hair is still platnium blonde-ish/ white, but I guess he looks good in, like, anything. I think that maybe he lost a couple lines due to Minho's new concept of more singing than rapping. Which is good, singing should be spread out a little morewithin the group, just something I picked up while watching it myself.

 Minho~~! After the leader, he's probably my favorite. He's so amazing... Perfect really, but I like people with little quirks too, so yeah. His look is staying similar to what he had before, I think... He is always so good looking.... It's really not fair.

And last, but certainly and positively not least, our new Blond ONEW!!!

He really looks amazing with his blond hair. That is all I can say. He also looks very... Dangerous with eye makeup on. It's awful in the best way possible.

And because I'm limited on time right this minute, I've to go, but expect another post about them~~~!

Catching you later,




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Tomboy84 #1
I saw it and it was awesome!