The Clique ApplyFic || Kim Dayoung||Aquarius ||





The best way to introducing youself=short+sweet


Character Name: KIm Daeyoung or Eva Kim









Appearance Always Matters:

Face Claim:Park Sora 

Links: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Back-up Face Claim:Jung Min Hee

Links: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 44.5 kg

Extras: Baby Blue Eyes



More than meets the eye:


Elaboration: Daeyoung she is straight forward.She act straight forward because she want to get straight to the point.She doesn't care if she hurts anyone's feelings because if they take it seriously she thinks that they are not strong mentally for the world.Even if she's rude and all that stuff she doesn't care because she is not the type tocare what people think.Daeyoung Has a never ending Flow of Arrogance.She just Thinks she is higher than most people but sometimes she can stop the flow.Even if she got all them bad stuff it doesn't mean that she doesn't have a good side.

So on the list of Daeyoung's goodness.Daeyoung is Kind hearted girl when it comes to the people or thing she loves.Yes in the first paragraph you might think she is a Rude persom but everyone has a good side.Daeyoung is smart.People don't like talking to her because she has this way of talking with smart words instead of normal ones.If she were to talk smart them obviously she is smart.She is the straight A student in her classes.Daeyoung is also very funny.If you get to know her you would see her funny side.Daeyoung has alot of funny jokes that would make people laugh and most of the things she does is funny and she doesn't even know!She is also a very socialable person.She Likes to meet new people and to melt their ice.If you don't talk to her she will keep pestering you until you open up to her.She also has this thing called "ice bergs" she puts them up if she doesn't want to socialize anymore.The "Ice bergs" are something she calls when she shows her cold and mean side.When she put them she doesn't talk or treat anyone nicely but this only happens rarely.


❤ Cotton Candy

❤  Family

❤ Teddy Bears

❤ Ice Cream

❤ Winnie The Pooh


✸ Being Scolded

✸ Bad First Impressions

✸ Mean People

✸ Waking up early in the morning

✸ Crying


❤ Drawing

❤ Dancing

❤ Singing


✸ Biting Lips

✸ Pouting

✸ Balling fists


❤ Scared of Heights,Dark,Small spaces,Spiders

❤ Weird obsession for colourful things




Story Of Life:

Background: Daeyoung was born in Paris,France.From a Korean Man and a French Woman.When She 6 months old her and her parents had to move to Canada due to Financial problems.In her at Canada she met her ultimate bestie Shin Ahri(sorry i was thinking of kris when i was typing this) .Both her parents were always out so Ahri and her would have sleep overs.When first year high school came it was rough.Ahri and Daeyoung had people bringing them down and bullying them.To make her problem worse she found out that her ultimate bestie had moved.To make her problems more worse DAeyoung and her father had found out her mother was with another man.So  at the age of  16 Daeyoung's father and mother had divorcd.With that DAeyoung moved.When DAeyoung turned 17 her dad re-married to another woman.That woman had a Daughter named Shin Ahrishe was a trainee for a company called SM.That's the time where she entered a group named TheClique.The girl that she is closest to is Pieces. 


FATHER|Kim Junwook|40|Buisness|Stirct,Funny,Kind,Caring|5/5

STEP-MOTHER|Shin/Kim Minyoung|38|Fashion Designer|Funny,nice,caring,sweet|4/5

STEP-SISTER|Shin/Kim Ahri|20|Trainee|Funny,nice,sweet,childish|4/5

❤ Friends: 

Shin Hanna|16|10 years|Nice,sweet,childish,caring|4/5


The First Love interest


First Love interest: Do Kyungsoo

Personality: Kyungsoo is a very shy man.He is very shy around new people especially around girls.When you get to know him he is very manly.He is very manly and will protect everything that he loves.At times he could act very childish.He act childish when he doesn't get what he wants or something doesn't goes his way.Other from that he is very motherly that is why h gets called the umma of the group.He is kind hearted just like Daeyoung and will help anything or anyone who needs help. I also think he got his bluntness from her.

Background story: The girls were going to the grocerey store to but ice cream and Daeyoung started to wander off from the group and Daeyoung accidently bumped into someone and thats were Kyungsoo and Daeyoung meet.After a few months of meeting eachother Daeyoung started to feel weird things about Kyungsoo so she asked her friends and thats when she realized she fell in love with him.

Back-up First love interest:Huang Zitao


The Second Love interest


Second Love interest: Kim Jongdae

Personality: He is very funny.He is like the second mood maker of exo(right after Chanyeol^^).he would is very nice and caring.He would anyone who needs help.Jongdae is also the ultimate troll master.He is also father like to some people.He would treat them like he is their real father.He can get jelous easily.When it comes to the girl he really likes he can get a bit feisty. 

Background story: Daeyoung was at the park thinking about her life when she heard someone say "watch thinking about?" she looked up and saw a very handsome guy.then the guy said "Hi my name is Jongdae." That when their friendship started.

Back-up Second love interest:Xuimin


Almost the End

Do you want to be the girl who wants them to get back together?

If yes, Why? (if no, just leave it blank.)

Scene Suggestions:Just a flashback of her past.That's all i got^^

Anything else? Thank you for your time author nim.I hope you like her :)




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Here is my review of your app :) I hope you can change it a little here and there.
First, You would have to note that EXO does not exist in this Apply fanfiction. Exo, minhyun and the girls are ALL in TheClique. (check your background)
Secondly, Who is Ahri? (check your background)
Third,Could you elaborate a bit more on your personality?
Fourth, After taking note that Exo is in TheClique, please change the storyline of how you met your love interests and the personality of your love interest a bit :)
I think that's all! please edit it as soon as possible!