Just a few questions;ene

Just a bunch of questions I found;ene

1. When did you find out about K-Pop and when did you officially get brainwashed? 
2. If you had a Korean name, what would it be?
3. Which song is your least favourite of EXO’s? 
4. What was the name of the first fanfic you’ve ever read? If you don’t remember, then what is the name of your favourite?
5. If you had to erase a pairing from the kpop world, which pair would it be?
6. Due to miraculous events you become a member of EXO. Which member will it be and why?
7. #1 most played SHINee song?
8. Favourite Girls’ Generation music video?
9. Which song of EXO’s did you, or most likely would, cry to?
10. Become an SM trainee or have a good education to fulfil a successful job?  
11. You’re famous. Whom would you want to go on We Got Married (a reality variety k-show) with and what would be your couple name? (e.g. khuntoria, adam couple)


1.I found out about k'pop about a year ago when my best friend showed me SUju's "Opera" MV. At first, I took it lightly;downloading a few songs here and there but I was still a massive Panic At The Disco fan;; Then earlier this year I just suddenly got really into. But tbh I've only been an avid k'popper for about 6 months now;ene

2. My Korean name would be EunMi.Lee EunMi. I recently used that name in a fanfic and I adore it. I also like the family name,Song.

3.Least favourite?Probably "Let Out The Beast";idek I just don't like it;ene

4. My first fanfic was one about Super Junior and it was r e a l l y ty;; It was called "Truth or Dare";D

5.A pairing? I'd most likely get rid of TaoRis;/slapped by every fangirl out there;; I'm sorry but I despise that pairing._.

6. Easy. I'd be Chanyeol because we're twins because I'd love to be the happy an excitable one in a group. Like, making people smile and laugh is such a great feeling:')


8.I'm not a sone or anything;; But I do adore the "I Got A Boy" video,mainly for the clothes and dancing tbh;;

9.Omfg which ones don't I cry to?;; I'm such an emotional wreck but, "Heart Attack", "Don't Go" and "Baby Don't Cry" make me cry;;

10.Tbh I'd have a good education because I could always get into singing at a later stage in life. With an education,I'd have something to go back to;;

11.I'd love to be paired with Zelo^*^ And we'd be called "BeLo"<3


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