U-Kiss - Tick Tack Short Version PV is OUT ^O^

OMG!!!! I can't stop spazzing even though it's just the short version of U-Kiss - Tick Tack PV *O* All I can say is that this video is awesome ^^

A lot of things that I can say why this video is awesome ^O^ All of them have equal lines *~* I'm really happy that Kiseop is having a lot of lines now *O* Then their dance choreography is getting more intsense O_O First it was NEVERLAND and now it's TICK TACK ^^

Of course all of them looked so smexy with the way they look *O* And I noticed Kiseop's hairstyle is just the same in Man Man Ha Ni days when they're wearing black clothes ^O^ And AJ's Tick Tack was cute yet hot to watch *~*

Seriously with this as their japanese debut ^O^ For sure they're going to take first place in Oricon Chart ^^ Before they got second place in Oricon Chart and with a lot of japanese kiss me *O* I bet they'll win the spot ^~^ And I'm one of them to buy their Debut single when I'm back in Japan *O*

I've got to admit O.o Out of all K-Pop groups o.O U-Kiss is the only K-Pop group that I'll support when it comes to Japanese promotions (well JYJ and Tohoshinki are exemption of course) ^^ They even stay in Japan for 3 months just to study speaking japanese *O* Believed me it's hard studying japanese language O.O For me it took me 5 months before I got fluent in speaking Japanese *O* And I learn it by myself ^^ By the time I've been staying in Tokyo, that's how I started to get used to speak now ^O^

And also we all know that U-Kiss is not really popular in Korea T^T And I think it's much better for them to promote their songs outside Korea because they're really known as an international group ^^ I still don't get it why U-Kiss have a little fanbase in their own country T__T

Anyway let's cut to the chase about U-Kiss - Tick Tack Short version PV ^^ If you haven't watched it yet then here's the video ^O^


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It's so amazing!!! And Hoon - omigosh, he looks so hot in the PV!! Well, everyone looks hot, but especially him ^_~

Kiseop finally got some decent-length lines, I'm so happy :D

And the dancing! Words cannot describe how incredibly perfect that dance is so I won't even try. Tick Tack successfully destroyed my U-KISS bias list.

I know I'm a bit late but I only just found this post and I needed to share :3
jeniscool100 #2
Gahhhhh, Kiseop's voice is sooooo beautiful!(: And I love their wardrobe for this video! :D
GAH, IT JUST NEEDS TO COME OUT RIGHT NOW. Cuz I want it out right now. Yeah. x3
the vid did look amazing can't wait to hear the whole version
this is called short? its pretty long? lol EEP KISEOPS VOICE!!!!! his hair is just like in man man han hi! i really like this song! omg kiseop and soohyun. thats all i am spazzing about. EEP!! I'm so glad i can so much of kiseop....i cant wait for the whole mv to come out!!! imma blog abt it lol! OMG THE DANCE!
IWriteForU #5
I just can't wait till it comes out!!!!