Destiny Application






I Just Wanna Know Your Name

Username: Barlow2318

Name: You can call me Makayla

Activity: 9-10




Tell Me Tell Me

Name: Song Emery

Nicknames: M, Emer

Age: 20

Birthdate: June 23, 1993

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: A

Birth Place: Dublin, Ireland

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Languages: English (Native), Gaelic(Fluent), Korean(Semi-Fluent), Japanese(Basics)

Personality:      Emer is one of those that is shy until you know them people. Once you know her, you'll see that she doesn't like small talk. No get into a conversation that will last..or even a conversation that is deep and personal (only few get that deep though.) Emer doesn't trust others easily and doesn't like to share everything she knows unless she does trust you. Stubborn as a mule. And although stubborn, she hasn't quite found her voice to tell people how she feels/ what she stands for and this causes her to end up going along with the group; confrontation isn't fun anyway. If it is something she is truly adamant about though, she'll stand her ground ( like things she absolutely can't stand/fears, don't push her to do them, she may just run and be unable to trust you.)

  Emer isn't super athletic. Besides keeping the required fitness of being an idol though she loves Archery and is actually exceptional at it. Emer is also a perfectionist. (Perhaps thats why she does so well in Archery.) Being a perfectionsit can be stressful though as if it's not up to par, she has to redo it over and over til it is. Doesn't fish for compliments..she just wants approval and assurance that she (or what she's doing) is good.

  Emer isn't one to joke around and probably takes most jokes a little too serious. Gets frustrated when people don't take things seriously especially if they should be taken seriously. Back home in Ireland her friends would and say she was a "tripper." Because they'd mess around with her and she'd think they were being serious so she'd get all riled up. Emer expects respect from those that are younger than her and respects her elders.


Backround:   Emer was born in Dublin, Ireland. Emer's first 16 years of her life where spent in Dublin. At the age of 10 her Father passed away in a car accident because his car went off into the ocean after being hit. Emer was very depressed after this since she was close with her Father. As she got older she just wouldn't talk about him or the accident. She has a fear of water due to the accident.

 When Emer was 16, her grandfather (Mother's Father) passed away and they moved to Korea so her mom could take over his company. Emer, although half Korean struggled with the language and was teased in school for it. Emer loved going to the center of town and watch the street singers/dancers perform. Sometimes she'd sing along if she knew the song and when one of the girls heard her she asked Emer to join them. Emer sang with them (band was Roses of Thorn) for about six months before she got scouted by JellyFish Ent. After talking with her Mom, who honestly may have been too busy to have fully heard her, she decided to go and try out, she was accepted a month later. Her Mom was always too busy to come and watch her train so her brother would come when his schedule permitted and he is her biggest support.




In Front Of The Mirror

Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Links: 1 - 2

Backup Ulzzang: Park Soo Yeon

Links: 1 - 2




Family, Friends, and Rivals


  Song Junho | Father | Deceased

 Song Gyuri | Mother| 50 | CEO of Photogaphy Agency called 'Greys Shot'

Song Dae Hwan | Older Brother | 26 | Part Time Model at Greys Shot & Owner of a Guitar Shop

Best Friends: 

Jung Taekwoon aka Leo (VIXX) |22 | Leo is quiet and honestly doesn't talk much, even to people he knows. LEt's not even mention how quiet he gets when cameras are around. He doesnt' smile often and many people find him intimidating. He thinks before he speaks, even if it's a simple question like 'how are you doing?'  Leo gets a little violent when he is angry but neve enough to harm those around him. |Vocalist in VIXX

Lee Jaehwan aka Ken (VIXX) |21| Ken is loud, obnoxious and loves to play around. He jokes like crazy and is constantly moving. He loves attention and loves talking to the cameras. He tries and includes those around him and wants to share his fun. The mood maker no matter where he goes. | Vocalist in VIXX


Lee Sungjong | 20 | Bubbly, Energetic, Caring| Maknae, Vocalist in Infinite

Jung Soryong |25 | Brotherly, Outgoing| Tasty Twin


  Lee Soo Hwa (OC) | 21| y, Competitive, Outgoing, Party| Lee Soo Hwa was against Emer joining Roses of Thorn and when the rest of the band voted for Emer to join she quit. Soo Hwa although very beautiful is jealous that Emer is so likable and thinks Emer uses the shy/mysterious/ innocentness as an act to get what she wants. And when suddenly out of the blue years later Emer becomes a trainee also under Woollim, Soo Hwa thinks Emer is there to steal her spotlight again. She is even more angry when Emer has no clue who she is (Emer had only met her twice and that was over a year ago.) | Soo Hwa works part time at a salon.




U & I

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Love Interest: Hoya

Age: 22

Relationship: Developing one sided crush for now (eventually leads to them both liking each other)

How you met:    Emer was practicing dancing in the Woollim building but as she was getting annoyed with the stuffy room she left for the street. She had her headphones in and began dancing on the sidewalk and Hoya saw her as he was walking into Woollim. He stopped to watch and when Emer realized he was watching she acted like she wasn't just dancing. "Don't stop, you were doing good." Hoya said and Emer just shook her head and said, "It's okay I was done anyways." Hoya insisted she show him. Emer decides it can't hurt, although her leg is acting up a little bit, she begins to dance. She ends up on the ground though and quickly gets up before Hoya can help her. She is a bit angry at herself for letting him talk her into dancing and storms off. Hoya is puzzled as to why she went away like that.

How you interact:    They see each other occasionally in Woollim and although Hoya says Hi or tries to talk to her, Emer seems to ignore him or to not want to talk to him. Honestly though, Emer is just shy and doesn't know how to open up to people so quickly. That and she is embarrassed at falling while dancing in front of him. She will poiltely reply to him but ends the conversation as quick as she can. After debuting, Emer is alone practicing her dancing and singing at the same time. She's already been practicing for two hours but can't seem to manage her breathing on this one section. Hoya forgot his cellphone in the practice room and goes to get it and see's her practicing, just as he's about to walk in, Emer drops the mic and begins rubbing her calf. She seems on the brink of tears but is biting them back. Hoya goes to see what is wrong and Emer brushes it off as nothing.


Backup Love Interest: Myungsoo

Age: 21

How you met:  Emer was actually training/running by the Han River when she spotted someone that looked familiar. It happened to be Myungsoo taking some photos of the sunsetting and Emer ended up  running into a bench and tripping. Myungsoo quickly ran over and helped her up. 

How you interact:  Emer thinks that Myungsoo must think she is a huge clutz after her running accident and tries to avoid him. Who knows what she'd end up tripping over next. Myungsoo just laughs at her shyness and takes pictures of her when she isn't looking.




Like This, Yo! Like This!


  -the color blue and grey

  -Hoodies, hoodies everywhere!

  -Converse All Stars

 -Chocoloate peanut butter icecream and oreo icecream

 -Covering other artists songs


 -Poetry or writings that speak to her

 -mayday parade and other sappy emo love songs


 -Loves the rain and sitting outside when there is light rain.


-High heels

-Invasion of personal space

-Horror(anything scary) movies


-Water (see weakness)


-revealing outfits

-pink. It's an awful color

-Hates screamo music

-Drinking/People getting drunk (A drink or two is fine but let's not overdo it huh? Be Responible she thinks)

-Amusment Park Rides..heights plus fast things is not fun.


- Reading/Poetry

- Writes lyrics

- music all the time



- Former Trainee in JellyFish Ent.

-Says Woollim is like home to her

-Favorite Numbers are 2 & 3

-Loves Hugs

-Although she loves hugs skinship is a little wierd for her

-Very close with her older brother Dae Hwan despite their six year difference

-Having her alone time is essential

-Texts her brother almost every week

-Her brother sends her a new piece of poetry or quotes every week

-When she can't sleep she'll go on a run

-Right Handed

-Had an accident when she was young where she tore her left Soleous (Muscle in her calf) Sometimes it acts up after dancing for hours and she has to take a small break and ice it.

- Hates Coffee, prefers mint hot chocolate

-Emer bottles up emotions and this causes her to explode sometimes

-Always has her Iphone with her




Stage Name: M

Persona: Ice Angel

Position: Vocalist, Sub-Dancer

Backup Position: Lead Vocal, Face of the group



Trainee Years: Trained with JellyFish Ent for 1 year & 6 months. Woollim for about 2 years & a few months.

Trainee Life:  JellyFish Ent was fun and Emer learned a lot. Her sunbaes Leo and Ken (VIXX) helped her with her vocals and she became fast friends with them both. After training with JellyFish Ent, Emer felt like it just wasn't for her. She began trying in other agencies and eventually had the choice of entering either YG or Woollim. She chose Woollim. Training no matter what is hard but Emer got a lot of encouragment from the other trainees as well as some of the artists under Woollim. 

TS Entertainment or Woollim Entertainment: Woollim Ent.


- Her leg injury from when she was little


-Water (cuz she can't swim and is afraid she'll drown, dont' try and convince her otherwise.)

-Insists that she has to be perfect and this can be a problem/stresses her out more..basically ends up getting into her own head and potential messes herself up.





Comments: I hope this application is acceptable and that you like it. If I'm not chosen well that'd but I'll continue to read your fic :)

Suggestions:  Hmm, I don't know what kind of song suggestions you want but...

 -Hold onto Me (Mayday Parade)

- U & I ; I'll Be Okay (Ailee)

- I'm Missin You (D-Unit)

- Mermaid Princess (Mystic White)

- I Feel Good ; Every Night (Exid)

Requests: Perhaps a scene on Running Man? Or Weekly Idol?

 -Hoya finds out about her fear of water when the company has a "family" get together or something and Emer wont' even go near the pool. Her hands get clammy and she feels like she can't breath or something. Maybe the boys decide to tease the girls and throw them in the water and Emer flips out..Hoya stops them just before the throw her in and she runs off crying.

- Ken and Leo take her out for a "date" to cheer her up on the anniversary of her Father's death and Hoya sees them with her and gets a little jealous

- She could have an accident on stage where the muscle in her calf acts up and so she continues to dance and this causes it to swell up a lot and she has to stop all activites for a week. So she is extremely frustrated and angry at having to sit back and watch.




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