99 Truths (stolen from Iloveanime)

1. Real Name: Dalila


2. Nicknames: Dal, dude, bro, mr. panda


3. Zodiac Sign: Gemini


4. Male or Female: Female


5. Elementary school: The Cambridge school (Qatar)


6. High school: Not there yet!! (still in middle school)


7. College: Still not there yet!!


8. Hair color: Black


9. Tall or short: Short


10. IM or email: email


11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans


13. Health Freak: Nah


14. Orange or Apple: Orange….and both


15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: No


16. Eat or Drink: BOTH!!!


17. Piercings: None


18. Pepsi or coke: Miranda


19. Been in an Airplane: Yes


20. Been in a relationship: Hell no.


21. Been in a car accident: Nope


22. Been in a fist fight: No


23. First piercing: The ear (just one earing on each…now I don’t pierce anymore)


24. Current best friend(s): Hmmm… most of them..


25. First award: Since grade 2 or 3


26. First crush: Since grade 3 (forgot his name XD)


27. First word: Bunda or Ayah (Indonesia word for Mom or Dad)


28. Last person you talked to in person: My sister


29. Last person you texted: Shiffa


30. Last person you watched a movie with: My sister


31. Last movie you watched: Wreck it Ralph


32. Last song you listened to: By chance by J.R.A


33. Last thing you bought: forgot..


34. Last person you hugged: moi dad


35. Favourite Food: EVERYTHING!!!!!! Only the one that I like


36. Favourite Drink: Juice, Water, Milk, Laban (something like yoghurt milk?)


37. Bottoms: WHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaat?


38. Flower: Rose, bluebells, sunflower… and others


39. Animal: Dragon!!


40. Colour: Blue!!!!!!!!!!!


41. Favourite Movie: IDK!! Animation (does that count?)


42. Favourite subject: ICT (computer stuff), P.E, Art, Breaktime and Hometime




HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)


43. ( ) Got Baptized.


44. ( ) Celebrated Halloween


45. ( ) Had your heart broken.


46. (x) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 


47. ( ) Had someone question your ual orientation


48. ( ) Got pregnant. 


49. ( ) Had an abortion. 


50. (x) Did something you regret.


51. (x) Broke a promise.


52. (x) Hid a secret.


53. (x) Pretended to be happy. 


54. (x) Met someone who changed your life.


55. ( ) Pretended to be sick.


56. (x) Left the country.


57. (x) Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it (beef and kpop). 


58. (x) Cried over the silliest thing. (sometimes)


59. (x) Ran a mile. ( 1 or 2)


60. ( ) Went to the beach with your best friends. 


61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends. (not the ‘angry’ type of argument)


62. (x) Hated someone.


63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. 





64. Eating: Hello Panda (a biscuit)


65. Drinking: Strawberry Laban (a yoghurt kind of milk)


66. Listening to: The TV on my mom’s bedroom


67. Sitting/Laying:  On the floor


68. Plans for today: Eat, sleep, read, going to the toilet, and then sleep


69. Waiting for: My dad to come home from work so that he can write a letter to the school to put me back in my OWN class!!!!! (they changed my section/division T_T)




70. Want kids: 2 or 3


71. Want to get married: Maybe/Yes.


72. Career: IDK


WHICH ONE in a significant other:


73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes


74. Shorter or taller: Taller


75. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic


76. Hook-up or relationship: relationship


77. Looks or personality: Both





78. Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t even wear them


79. Snuck out of the house: Nope


80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: Water gun and a knife for swiping nutella on bread


81. Killed somebody: Nope


82. Broken someone's heart: Probably not


83. Cried when someone died: Yep




84. Yourself:  Yes (but not 100%)


85. Miracles: Hmm….. I guess


86. Love at first sight: hmmm….. idk


87. Heaven: Yes


88. Santa Claus: No


89. on the first date: Too far….too far


90. Kiss on the first date: Never been in a relationship


91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: My baby cousins!!


92. Do you know who your real friends are: Yeshu


93. Do you believe in God: Yes 


94. Post as 99 truths:  Yeah


95. Quote a famous person: “I’d rather be a boy playing with paper plane, than to be a grown man playing with a women’s heart” Niall Horan/One Direction


96. Say something funny: eh eh eh…..


97. Laugh at yourself: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


98. Last message: BYE!!!


99. Another last message: VERY BYE-BYE!!



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WTF 96- did nam influence you /wtf/
You have a secret crush dal /ehem/
Omg! You went to Cambridge School in Qatar? Is the full name Cambridge School For Girls?! If so, I went to the same primary school (before I moved)