sister bond

Have you ever love an outsider like she or he was your own family? That's what i felt with WuYeol90 and nanaraven(i'm sorry, i thought you might see me as weird person if i put your name). Call me weird or whatever,WuYeol90, she's like my own lil sis. I wish to see her to be happy. And because of this sister bond, I support KrisYeol.. -_-lll.. Ask her how am I before. I'm not otp shippers! I don't even like guyxguy, but she keep insist and intro me with KrisYeol. It took me for a while to like KrisYeol because i've become XiuHan shipper. But then, I come to ship KrisYeol and because of her (keep pestering mee), i started to write KrisYeol's fic... And now it feels weird to write exoxoc.. -_-" Oh well, it wasn't a bad things at all. I still write exoxoc tho. The point is, I'd really treasure this bonding and I won't ever forgive those who hurt my WuYeol90! Only i can Hurt her~ lol Another one is nanaraven. Gosh, this one, i know longer than WuYeol90 and to be very honest, this girl is the most brave and beautiful girl ever! She was sick before and she was strong to fight with it. This girl, i just cant describes her with words, it just her name already craved inside my heart. My lovely, my adik, my sister..she's the one who stand behind me when others trying to bring me down. She's the one who never let me cry alone during the times when my ex happily hurting me and bullying me with his friends, this girl stood up and hold me. This girl who understand me without me saying anything.i cant even lie to her. She always there, as far as i remember.i love nanaraven and like WuYeol90, i want her to be happy... Yeah,i know its weird but being weird is the side effect of being awesome~ Oh gaud, i'm being cheesy! Oh kill me! Hahaha Let's keep this until Jannah my dear sis..


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Awwww so kyeopta >.<
Awww, thank you so much Unie :) Why would it be weird? You're just expressing how you feel.. and I feel the same. I've never had an elder sister before and having you around, I'm just so blessed that Allah brought you to me. You always support me and you always layan my crazy bullying antics. I can never say enough how I treasure you but I do. I will always be by your side and I hoped our sisterhood will last till Jannah. LOVE YOU SISTA! ;)<3